
Showing posts from August, 2021


Security issues in mobile computing, Information Security, Components of Information Security, Next Generation Networks- LTE – Architecture & Interface – LTE radio planning and tools, 5G architecture, MIMO, Super core concept, Features and Application Case Study Setting up an ad-hoc network system, LiFi.

Mobile Internet Protocol

Mobile internet-mobile network layer-mobile IP-dynamic host configuration protocol-, mobile transport layer-implications of TCP on mobility-indirect TCP-snooping TCP- mobile TCP transmission selective retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP- Support for mobility-file systems-WAP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Other Transport Layer Protocols for Mobile Networks      Mobile IP is a communication protocol (created by extending Internet Protocol, IP) that allows the users to move from one network to another with the same IP address. It ensures that the communication will continue without user’s sessions or connections being dropped. Terminologies: Mobile Node (MN): It is the hand-held communication device that the user caries e.g. Cell phone. Home Network: It is a network to which the mobile node originally belongs to as per its assigned IP address (home address). Home Agent (HA): It is a router in home network to which the mobile node was originally connec...

Mobile Ad-hoc Network

Ad-Hoc Basic Concepts , Characteristics, Applications, Design Issues, Routing, Essential of Traditional Routing Protocols, Popular Routing Protocols, Vehicular Ad Hoc networks ( VANET), MANET vs. VANET, Security.  

Wireless LAN and Applications

Wireless LANS: Wireless LAN Standards – IEEE 802 Protocol Architecture, IEEE 802.11 System Architecture, Protocol Architecture & Services, Cellular Networks: Channel allocation, multiple access, location management, Handoffs. MAC Layer & Management, Routing - Classification of Routing Algorithms, Algorithms such as DSR, AODV, DSDV, Mobile Agents, Service Discovery.

Mobile Telecommunications System

Spread spectrum – Direct sequence, Frequency hopping. Medium Access Control - SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Cellular concepts- channel assignment strategy- hand off strategy interface and system capacity improving coverage and capacity in cellular system, Satellite Systems-GEO, LEO, MEO. Wireless Communication Systems- Telecommunication Systems- GSM- GSM services & features, architecture -DECT features & characteristics, architecture.


Introduction to mobile computing, Middleware and Gateways, Application and services, Internet-Ubiquitous networks, Architecture and three-tier architecture for Mobile Computing, Design consideration for Mobile Computing.


OBJECTIVE The objectives of the course are: - To make the student understand the concept of mobile computing paradigm, its novel applications and limitations. - To understand the typical mobile networking infrastructure through a popular GSM protocol. - To understand the issues and solutions of various layers of mobile networks, namely MAC layer, Network layer, & Transport Layer - To understand the database issues in mobile environments & data delivery models. - To understand the ad hoc networks and related concepts. - To understand the platforms and protocols used in mobile environment.   OUTCOMES  After completing this course, the student should be able to: - Able to think and develop new mobile application - Able to debate on any technical issue related to this new paradigm and come up with a solution(s). - Able to develop new ad hoc network applications and/or algorithms/protocols. - Able to explain & develop any existing or new protocol related to mobile envir...