
Satellite Communications, GSM specification and explain functional architecture of GSM , Introduction to Wireless LAN and IEEE 802.11, WIRELESS LANS AND PANS, Multiplexing, MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES

Satellite Communications


Basics of Satellites

Types of Satellites

Capacity Allocation


Two stations on Earth want to communicate through radio broadcast but are too far away to use conventional means.

The two stations can use a satellite as a relay station for their communication

One Earth Station sends a transmission to the satellite. This is called a Uplink.

The satellite Transponder converts the signal and sends it down to the second earth station. This is called a Downlink.


The advantages of satellite communication over terrestrial communication are:

The coverage area of a satellite greatly exceeds that of a terrestrial system.

Transmission cost of a satellite is independent of the distance from the center of the coverage area.

Satellite to Satellite communication is very precise.

Higher Bandwidths are available for use.


 The disadvantages of satellite communication:

Launching satellites into orbit is costly.

Satellite bandwidth is gradually becoming used up.

There is a larger propagation delay in satellite communication that in terrestrial communication.


Elevation Angle: The angle of the horizontal of the earth surface to the center line of the satellite transmission beam: 

This effects the satellites coverage area. Ideally, You want a elevation angle of 0 degrees, so the transmission beam reaches the horion visible to the satellite in all directions.

However, because of environmental factors like objects blocking the transmission, atmospheric attenuation and the earth electrical background noise, there is a minimum elevation angle of earth stations.


Service Types

- Fixed service satellites(FSS)

example: point to point communication

- Broadcast Service Satellites (BSS)

example: Satellite television / radio

also called direct broadcast service(DBS).

- Mobile Service Satellites (MSS)

example: Satellite phones.


Satellite Orbits




* Molniya Orbit

* HAPs

Frequency Bands


These satellites are in orbit 35863 km above the earth's surface along the equator.

Objects in Geostationary orbit revolve around the earth at the same speed as the earth rotates. This means GEO satellites remain in the same position relative to the surface of earth.


* A GEO satellite's distance from earth gives it a large coverage area, almost a fourth of the earth's surface.

* GEO satellites have a 24 hour view of  a particular area.

* These factors make it ideal for satellite broadcast and other multi point applications.


* A GEO satellite's distance also cause it to have both a comparatively weak signal and a time delay in the signal, which is bad for point to point communication.

* GEO satellites, centered above the equator, have a difficulty broadcasting signals to near polar regions.


LEO satellites are much closer to the earth than GEO satellites, ranging from 500 to 1500 km above the surface.

LEO satellites don't stay in fixed position relative to the surface, and are only visible for 15 to 20 minutes each pass.

A network of LEO satellites is necessary for LEO satellites to be useful.


* A LEO satellite's proximity to each compared to a GEO satellite gives it a better signal strength and less of a time delay, which makes it better for point to point communication.

* A LEO satellite's smaller area of coverage is less of a waste of bandwidth.


* A network of LEO satellites is needed, which can be costly

* LEO satellites have to compensate for Doppler shifts cause by their relative movement.

* Atmosphere  drag effects LEO satellites, causing gradual orbital deterioration.


A MEO satellite is in orbit somewhere between 8000km and 18000 km above the earth's surface.

MEO satellites are similar to LEO satellites in functionality.

MEO satellites are visible for much longer periods of time than LEO satellites, usually between 2 to 8 hours.

MEO satellites have a larger coverage area than LEO satellites.


* A MEO  satellite's longer duration of visibility and wider footprint means fewer satellites are needed in a MEO network than a LEO network.


* A MEO satellite's distance gives  it a longer time delay and weaker signal than a LEO satellite, through not as bad as a GEO satellite,


Different kinds of satellites use different frequency bands

* L- Band: 1 to 2 Ghz, used by MSS

* S-Band: 2 to 4 Ghz, used by MSS, NASA, Deep space research

* C-Band: 4 to 8 Ghz, used by FSS

* X-Band: 8 to 12.5Ghz, used by FSS and in terrestrial imaging, ex: military and meteorological satellites.

* Ku-Band: 12.5 to 18 Ghz: used by FSS and BSS(DBS)

* K-Band: 18 to 26.5 GHz : used by Fss and BSS

* Ka-Band : 26.5 to 40 Ghz: used by FSS







* Advantages over FDMA



Satellite frequency is already broken into bands and is broken in to smaller channels in Frequency Division Multiple Access.

Overall bandwidth within a frequency band is increased due to frequency reuse (a frequency is used by two carriers with orthogonal polarization).

The number of sub-channels is limited by three factors:

    * Thermal noise ( too weak a signal will be effected by background noise)

    * Intermodulation noise ( too storage a signal will cause noise)

    * Crosstalk (cause by excessive frequncy reusing)

FDMA can be performed in two ways:

* Fixed-assignment multiple access(FAMA): The sub-channel assignments are of a fixed allotment. Ideal for broadcast satellite communication.

* Demand-assignment multiple access (DAMA): The sub-channel allotment changes based on demand. Ideal for point to point communication.


TDMA (Time Division Multiple access) breaks a transmission into multiple time slots, each one dedicated to a different transmitter.

TDMA is increasingly becoming more widespread in satellite communication.

TDMA uses the same techniques (FAMA and DAMA) as FDMA does.

Advantages of TDMA over FDMA:

Digital equipment used in time division multiplexing is increasing becoming cheaper.

There are advantages in digital transmission techniques Ex error correction

Lack of inter modulation noise means increased efficiency.





List out GSM specification and explain functional architecture of GSM

GSM Specification
Uses a combination of FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) and TDMA (Time Division
Multiple Access).
Allocation of 50 MHz (890–915 MHz and 935–960 MHz) bandwidth in the 900 MHz frequency
band and using FDMA further divided into 124 (125 channels, 1 not used) channels each with a
carrier bandwidth of 200 KHz.
Using TDMA, each of the above mentioned channels is then further divided into 8 time slots
So, with the combination of FDMA and TDMA, a maximum of992 channels for transmit and
receive can be realized.
Frequency reuse in GSM
To serve hundreds of thousands of users, the frequency must be reused and this is done
through cells.  
The area to be covered is subdivided into radio zones or cells. Though in reality these cells could
be of any shape, for convenient modeling purposes these are modeled as hexagons. Base
stations are positioned at the center of these cells.


Figure : Cell Structure in GSM 
Each cell i receive a subset of frequencies fbi from the total set assigned to the respective
mobile network.
To avoid any type of co-channel interference, two neighboring cells never use the same
Only at a distance of D (known as frequency reuse distance), the same frequency from the set
fbi can be reused. Cells with distance D from cell i, can be assigned one or all the frequencies
from the set fbi belonging to cell i.
When moving from one cell to another during an ongoing conversation, an automatic channel
change occurs. This phenomenon is called handover.
Handover maintains an active speech and data connection over cell boundaries.
The regular repetition of frequencies in cells results in a clustering of cells. The clusters
generated in this way can consume the whole frequency band.
The size of a cluster is defined by k, the number of cells in the cluster. This also defines the
frequency reuse distance D. The figure in next slideshows an example of cluster size of 4. 
GSM Architecture
In System, It consists at the minimum one administrative region assigned to one MSC (Mobile
Switching Centre).
Administrative region is commonly known as PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network).
Each administrative region is subdivided into one or many Location Area (LA).
One LA consists of many cell groups and each cell group is assigned to one BSC (Base Station
For each LA, there will be at least one BSC while cells in one BSC can belong to different LAs.
Figure 11: GSM Architecture
Cells are formed by the radio areas covered by a BTS (Base Transceiver Station). Several BTSs
are controlled by one BSC.
Traffic from the MS (Mobile Station) is routed through MSC. Calls originating from or
terminating in a fixed network or other mobile networks is handled by the GMSC (Gateway
For all subscribers registered with a cellular network operator, permanent data such as the
service profile is stored in the Home Location Register (HLR). The data relate to the following
o Authentication information like IMSI.
o Identification information like name, address, etc., of the subscriber.
o Identification information like MSISDN, etc.
o Billing information like prepaid or postpaid customer.
o Operator select denial of service to a subscriber.
o Handling of supplementary services like for CFU (Call Forwarding Unconditional), CFB
(Call Forwarding Busy), CFNR (Call Forwarding Not Reachable) or CFNA (Call Forwarding
Not Answered)
o Storage of SMS Service Center (SC) number in case the mobile is not connectable so that
whenever the mobile is connectable, a paging signal is sent to the SC
o Provisioning information like whether long distance and international calls allowed or
o Provisioning information like whether roaming is enabled or not
o Information related to auxiliary services like Voice mail, data, fax services, etc.
o Information related to auxiliary services like CLI (Caller Line Identification), etc.
o Information related to supplementary services for call routing. In GSM network, one can
 customize the personal profile to the extent that while the subscriber is roaming in a
foreign PLMN, incoming calls can be barred. Also, outgoing international calls can be
barred, etc.
o Some variable information like pointer to the VLR,location area ofthe subscriber, Power
OFF status of the handset, etc.
The GSM technical specifications define different entities that form the GSM network by
defining their functions and interface requirements. The GSM network can be divided into 5
main groups:-
The Mobile Station(MS): This includes the Mobile Equipment(ME) and the Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM).
The Base Station Subsystem (BSS): This includes the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) and the
Base Station Controller(BSC).
The Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS): This includes Mobile Switching Center (MSC),
Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Equipment Identity Register(EIR),
and the Authentication Center(AUC).
The Operation and Support Subsystem (OSS): This includes the Operation and Maintenance
Center (OMC).
The data infrastructure that includes Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Integrated
System Digital Network (ISDN), and the Public Data Network (PDN). 
Explain the handover procedure in GSM system OR What is
handover/handoff? How handoff is different from roaming?
The process of handover or handoff within any cellular system is of great importance.
It is a critical process and if performed incorrectly handover can result in the loss of the call.
Dropped calls are particularly annoying to users and if the number of dropped calls rises,
customer dissatisfaction increases and they are likely to change to another network. 
Types of GSM handover
Within the GSM system there are four types of handover that can be performed for GSM only
o Intra-BTS handover: This form of GSM handover occurs if it is required to change the
frequency or slot being used by a mobile because of interference, or other reasons.
o In this form of GSM handover, the mobile remains attached to the same base station
transceiver, but change the channel or slot.
o Inter-BTSIntraBSC handover: ThisGSMhandover or GSMhandoff occurs when the
mobile is moved out of the coverage area of one BTS but into another controlled by the
same BSC.
o In this instance the BSC is able to perform the handover and it assigns a new channel
and slot to the mobile, before releasing the old BTS from communicating with the
o Inter-BSC handover: When the mobile is moved out of the range of cells controlled by
oneBSC, a more involved form of handover has to be performed, handing over not only
from one BTS to another but one BSC to another.
o For this the handover is controlled by the MSC.
o Inter-MSChandover:Thisformofhandoveroccurswhenchangingbetweennetworks.
The two MSCs involved negotiate to control the handover. 
GSM handover process
Although there are several forms of GSM handover as detailed above, as far as the mobile is
concerned, they are effectively seen as very similar. There are a number of stages involved in
undertaking a GSM handover from one cell or base station to another.
In GSM, which uses TDMA techniques the transmitter only transmits for one slot in eight, and
similarly the receiver only receives for one slot in eight.
As a result the RF section of the mobile could be idle for 6 slots out of the total eight.
This is not the case because during the slots in which it is not communicating with the BTS, it
scans the other radio channels looking for beacon frequencies that may be stronger or more
In addition to this, whenthemobile communicates with a particular BTS,one of there sponses it
makes is to send out a listof the radio channels of the beacon frequencies of neighboringBTSs
via the Broadcast Channel (BCCH).
The mobile scans these and reports back the quality of the link to the BTS. In this way the
mobile assists in the handover decision and as a result this form of GSM handoveris known as
Mobile AssistedHand over (MAHO).
The network knows the quality of the link between the mobile and the BTS as well as the
strength of local BTSs as reported back by the mobile.
It also knows the availability of channels in the nearby cells. As a result it has all the information
it needs to be able to make a decision about whether it needs to hand the mobile over from one
BTS to another
If the network decides that it is necessary for the mobile to hand over, it assigns a new channel
and time slot to the mobile. It informs the BTS and the mobile of the change.
The mobile then retunes during the period it is not transmitting or receiving, i.e. in an idle
A key element of the GSM handover is timing and synchronization. There are a number of
possible scenarios that may occur dependent upon the level of synchronization. 
In wireless telecommunications, roaming is a general term that refers to the extending of
connectivity service in a location that is different from the home location where the service was
registered. Roaming ensures that the wireless device keeps connected tothenetwork, without
losing the connection. The term "roaming" originates from the GSM (Global System for Mobile
Communications) sphere; the term"roaming" canalso be applied to the CDMAtechnology.
Figure 12: Handoff Process 
In cellular telecommunications, the term handover or handoff refers to the process of
transferring an ongoing call or data session from one channel connected to the core network to
In satellite communications it is the process of transferring satellite control responsibility from
one earth station to another without loss or interruption of service. 
Explain the importance of following identifiers with that GSM
deals with: - 1) IMEI 2) IMSI 3) MSISDN 
International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI): It uniquely identifies a mobile station
internationally. It is a kind of serial number.
The IMEI is allocated by the equipment manufacturer and registered by the network operator,
who stores it in the EIR.

By means of IMEI one can recognize obsolete, stolen or non-functional equipment. The
following are the parts of an IMEI:
o Type Approval Code (TAC):- 6 decimal places, centrally assigned.
o Final Assembly Code (FAC):- 6 decimal places, assigned by the manufacturer.
o Serial Number (SNR):- 6 decimal places, assigned by the manufacturer.
o Spare (SP):- 1 decimal place. 
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI): Each registered user is uniquely identified by
its international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI).
It is stored in the subscriber identity module (SIM). A mobile station can only be operated if a
SIM with valid IMSI is inserted into equipment with a valid IMEI.
The following are the parts of IMSI:-
o Mobile Country Code (MCC):- 3 decimal places, internationally standardized.
o Mobile Network Code (MNC):- 2 decimal places, for unique identification of mobile
network within the country.
o Mobile Subscriber Identification Number (MSIN):- Maximum 10 decimal places,
identification number of the subscriber in the home mobile network.
the mobile subscriber ISDN number (MSISDN).
It is assigned to the subscriber, such that a mobile station set can have several MSISDNs
depending on theSIM.
The MSISDN categories follow the international ISDN number plan and therefore have the
following structure:-
o Country Code (CC):- Up to 3 decimal places.
o National Destination Code (NDC):- Typically 2-3 decimal places.
oSubscriber Number (SN):- Maximum 10 decimal places. 
What is SMS? Explain the strengths of SMS.
Short message service-SMS is one of the most popular data bearer/service within GSM.
More than one billionSMS messages interchanged every day with a growth of more than half a
billion every month on an average
Runs on SS7 signaling channels, which are always present but mostly unused, be it during an
active user connection or in the idle state
Each short message is upto160 characters in length when 7-bit English characters are used and
140 octets when 8-bit characters are used 
Strength of SMS
Various characteristics of SMS make it as an attractive bearer for mobile computing.
Omnibus nature of SMS: SMS uses SS7 signaling channel which is available throughout the
Stateless: SMS is session-less and stateless as every SMS message is unidirectional and
service, the transmission will not be abandoned and hence, SMS can be used as message
SMS can be used as a transport bearer for both synchronous (transaction oriented) and
asynchronous (message queue and notification) information exchange.
Self-configurable and last mile problem resistant: SMS is self-configurable and subscriber is
always connected to the SMS bearer irrespective of the home and visiting network
Non-repudiable: SMS message carries the Service Center (SC) and the source MSISDN as a part
of the message header through which any SMS can prove beyond doubt its origin.
Always connected: As SMS uses the SS7 signaling channel for its data traffic, the bearer media
is always on. Users cannot switch OFF, BAR or DIVERT anySMS message. SMS message is
delivered to the Mobile Station (MS) without any interruption to the ongoing call.
Explain Operator-centric Pull and Operator-independent
Operator Centric Pull
Operators offer different information on demand and entertainment services through
connecting an Origin server to the SC via a SMS gateway.
Such service providers are known as Mobile Virtual Network Operator(s) (MVNO).
MVNOs develop different systems, servicesand applications toofferdata servicesusingSMS.
Many enterprises use MVNOs to make their services available to mobile phone users.
Let’s say few banks offer balance enquiry and other low security banking services over SMS and
customers need to register for the service.
During the registration, the customer needs to mention the MSISDN of the phone which will be
used for a banking service.
Once a user is registered for the service, he enters ‘BAL’ and sends the message to a service
(known as SME-Short Message Entity) connected to this service number.
SMS gateway then forwards this message to the enterprise application and response from the
enterprise application is delivered to the MS as a MT message from the SME.
Even if the subscriber is in some remote region of a foreign network within GSM coverage, he
can send the same SMS to the same service number in his home network and this makes the
home services available in the foreign network.
Hence, operator-centric SMS pull service is completely ubiquitous.
Connectivity between SME and Origin server could be anything like SOAP (Simple Object Access
Protocol), direct connection through TCP socket or through HTTP.
There are applications where SMS is used in session oriented transactions as ‘SMS chat’ and
‘SMS contests’ need to remember the user context over multiple transactions. 
Operator Independent Pull
Any push, which may be an alert, notification or even response from a pull message generated
by an application, can be serviced by any network and delivered to any GSM phone in any
network without any difficulty.
If appropriate roaming tie-ups are inplace,an enterprise can use SMS to send business alert sor
proactive notifications to its customer anywhere, anytime on his phone. 

Figure 13: Basic Network Structure of the SMS Push
For a SMS message to be routed to some enterprise SME connected to external SC,SAT is used.
SAT application running on the SIM card changes the SC number during the transmission of the
SMS and forces theSMS to recognize a different SC of a different network as its home SC.
Here, too, SMS is sent to the SME connected to the home SC. If a SMS service isoperator
dependent, the cellular operator can use this to its advantage.
Enterprises need operator independent pull as enterprises have customers around the world
subscribing to different GSM networks
Above scenario can also be achieved through Intelligent Network. 
Challenges for SMS as Mobile computing bearer
The major challenge for implementing ubiquitous service through SMS requires operator
independent SM MO messages or operator independent pull services.
The SMS routing needs to work exactly in the same fashion as 1-800 services.
Explain SMS Architecture and differentiate between SM MT and
Two types of SMS - SM MT (Short Message Mobile Terminated Point-to-Point) and SM MO
(Short Message Mobile Originated Point-to-Point)
SM MT is an incoming short message from the network and is terminated in the MS
SM MO is an outgoing message originated in the MS and forwarded to the network for delivery
For an outgoing message, the path is from MS to SCvia theVLR and the IWMSC(InterWorking
MSC) function of the serving MSC whereas for an incoming message the path is from SC to the
MS via HLR and the GMSC (Gateway MSC) function of the home MSC
Short Message Mobile Terminated (SMMT)
SMMT is an incoming short message from the network and is terminated in the MS.
Message is sent from SC to the MS.
Forthe delivery of MTorincomingSMS messages, theSCof the serving network is never used
which implies that a SMS message can be sent from any SC in any network to a GSM phone
anywhere in theworld.
Figure 14: Interface in SMMT
Short Message Mobile Originated
SMMO is an outgoing message originated in the MS and forwarded to the network for the
delivery. For a MO message, the MSC forwards the message to the home SC.
MO message works in two asynchronous phases. In the first phase, the message is sent from
the MS to the home SC as a MO message.
In the second phase, the message is sent from the homeSC to the MS as a MT message
Figure 15: Interface in SMMO
Explain call routing in GSM with block diagram.
Human interface is analog. However, the advancement in digital technology makes it very
convenient to handle information in digital way.
Digitizer and source coding: The user speech is digitized at 8 KHz sampling rate using Regular
Pulse Excited–Linear Predictive Coder (RPE–LPC) with a Long Term Predictor loop where
information from previous samples is used to predict the current sample.
Each sample is then represented in signed 13-bit linear PCM value.
This digitized data is passed to the coder with frames of 160 samples where encoder
compresses these 160 samples into 260-bits GSM frames resulting in one second of speech
compressed into 1625 bytes and achieving a rate of 13 Kbits/sec.
Channel coding: This introduces redundancy into the data for error detection and possible error
correctionwhere thegross bitrate after channel coding is 22.8kbps (or 456 bits every 20 ms).
These 456 bits are divided into eight 57-bit blocks and the result is interleaved amongst eight
successive time slot bursts for protection against burst transmission errors.
Interleaving: This step rearranges a group of bits in a particular way to improve the
performance of the error-correction mechanisms.
The interleaving decreases the possibility of losing whole bursts during the transmission by
dispersing the errors.
Ciphering:This encrypts blocks of user data using asymmetric key shared by the mobilestation
and the BTS.
Burst formatting: It adds some binary information to the ciphered block for use in
synchronization and equalization of the received data.
Modulation:The modulation technique chosenfortheGSMsystem is theGaussian Minimum
ShiftKeying (GMSK) where binary data is converted back into analog signalto fit thefrequency
and time requirements for the multiple access rules.
This signal is then radiated as radio wave over the air.
Multipath and equalization: An equalizer is in charge of extracting the ‘right’ signal from the
received signal while estimating the channel impulse response of the GSM system and then it
constructs an inversefilter.
The received signal is then passed through the inverse filter.
Synchronization: For successful operation of a mobile radio system, time and frequency
synchronization are needed.
Frequency synchronization is necessary so that the transmitter and receiver frequency match
(in FDMA) while Time synchronization is necessary to identify the frame boundary and the bits
within the frame (in TDMA).
To avoid collisions of burst transmitted by MS with the adjacent timeslot such collisions, the
due to greaterdistance.
Figure 16: From speech to radio waves
Using this technique and the triangulation of the intersection cell sites, the location of a mobile
station can be determined from within the network.
The MSISDN number of a subscriber in Bangalore associated with Airtel network is
+919845XYYYYY which is a unique number and understood from anywhere in the world.
Here, + means prefix for international dialing, 91 is the country code for India and 45 is the
network operator’s code (Airtel in this case).
X is the level number managed by the network operator ranging from 0 to 9 while YYYYY is the
subscriber code which, too, is managed by the operator.
The call first goes to the local PSTN exchange where PSTN exchange looks at the routing table
and determines that it is a call to a mobile network.
PSTN forwards the call to the Gateway MSC (GMSC) of the mobile network.
MSC enquires the HLR to determine the status of the subscriber. It will decide whether the call
is to be routed or not. If MSC finds that the call can be processed, it will find out the address of
the VLR where the mobile is expected to be present.
If VLR is that of a different PLMN, it will forward the call to the foreign PLMN through the
Gateway MSC. If theVLR is in the home network, it will determine the LocationArea (LA).

Figure 17: Call Routing for a mobile terminating call
Within the LA, it will page and locate the phone and connect the call. 
Write Note on Signaling Protocol Structure in GSM
Layer 1 is the physical layer which uses the channel structures over the air interface.
Layer 2 is the data link layer and across the Um interface, the data link layer is a modified
version of the LAPD protocol used in ISDN or X.25, called LAPDm. 

Figure 18: Signaling protocol structure in GSM
Across the A interface,the Message Transfer Part layer 2 of Signaling System Number 7 is used.
Layer 3 of the GSM signaling protocol is itself divided into three sub-layers:
o Radio Resources Management: It controls the set-up, maintenance and termination of
radio and fixed channels, including handovers.
o Mobility Management: It manages the location updating and registration procedures as
well as security and authentication.
o Connection Management: It handles general call control and manages Supplementary
Services and the Short Message Service.
Explain different GSM Services.
There are three types of services offered through GSM which are:
1. Telephony (also referred as tele-services) Services
2. Data (also referred as bearer services) Services
3. Supplementary Services
Teleservices or Telephony Services
A teleservices utilizes the capabilities of a Bearer Service to transport data, defining which
capabilities are required and how they should setup.
o VoiceCalls: The most basic teleservices supported by GSMis telephony.This includes
fullrate speech at 13 Kbps and emergency calls, where the nearest emergency service
provider is notified by dialing three digits.
o Videotext and Facsimile: Another group of teleservices includes Videotext access,
Tele text transmission,and Facsimile alternate speech and facsimile Group3, automatic
facsimile Group 3etc.
o Short Text Messages: SMS service is a text messaging which allow you to send and
receive text messages on your GSM mobile phones. 
Bearer Services or Data Services
Using your GSM phone to receive and send data is the essential building block leading to
widespread mobile Internet access and mobile and mobile data transfer.
GSM currently has a data transfer rate of 9.6k.
New development that will push up data transferrated for GSM users HSCSD are now available.
Supplementary Services
Supplementary services are provided on top of teleservices or bearer services, andinclude
features such as caller identification, call forwarding, call waiting, multi-party conversation. A
brief description of supplementary services is given here:
o Multiparty Service or conferencing: The multiparty service allows a mobile subscriber to
establish multiparty conservations. That is, conservation between three or more subscribers to setup a conference calls. This service is only applicable to normal telephony.
o Call Waiting: This service allows a mobile subscriber to be notified of an incoming call
during a conversation.The subscriber can answer, reject or ignore the incoming call.Call waiting is applicable to all GSM telecommunications services using circuit switched connection.
o Call Hold: This service allows a mobile subscriber to put an incoming call on hold and then resume this call. The call hold service is only applicable to normal telephony.
o Call Forwarding: The call forwarding supplementary service is used to divert calls from the original recipient to another number, and is normally set up by the subscriber himself.
o It can be used by the subscriber to divert calls from the Mobile Station when the subscriber is not available, and so to ensure that calls are not lost.
o A typical scenario would be a salesperson turns off his mobile phone during a meeting with customer, but does not wish to lose potential sales leads while he is unavailable.
o Call Barring: The concept of barring certain type of calls might seem to be a supplementary disservice rather than service.
o However, there are times when the subscriber is not the actual user of the Mobile Station, and as a consequence may wish to limit its functionality, so as to limit charges incurred.
o If thesubscriber and users and one and same,the callbarring may be use fulto stopcalls being routed to international destinations when they are route.
o The reasons for this are because it is expected that are roaming subscriber will pay the charges incurred for international re-routing of calls.
o So, GSM devised some flexible services that enable the subscriber to conditionally bar calls.


Introduction to Wireless LAN and IEEE
A wireless LAN (WLAN or WiFi) is a data transmission system designed to provide location
independent network access between computing devices by using radio waves rather than a
cable infrastructure
In the corporate enterprise, wireless LANs are usually implemented as the final link between
the existing wired network and a group of client computers, giving these users wireless access
to the full resources and services of the corporate network across a building or campus
The widespread acceptance of WLANs depends on industry standardization to ensure product
compatibility and reliability among the various manufacturers.
The 802.11 specification [IEEE Std 802.11 (ISO/IEC 8802-11: 1999)] as a standard for
wireless LANS was ratified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in
the year 1997. This version of 802.11 provides for 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps data rates and a set of
fundamental signaling methods and other services. Like all IEEE 802 standards, the 802.11
standards focus on the bottom two levels the ISO model, the physical layer and link layer (see
figure below). Any LAN application, network operating system, protocol, including TCP/IP and
Novell NetWare, will run on an 802.11-compliant WLAN as easily as they run over Ethernet.
Fig 1: "IEEE 802.11 and the ISO Model"

The major motivation and benefit from Wireless LANs is increased mobility. Untethered from
conventional network connections, network users can move about almost without restriction
and access LANs from nearly anywhere.
The other advantages for WLAN include cost-effective network setup for hard-to-wire locations
such as older buildings and solid-wall structures and reduced cost of ownership-particularly in
dynamic environments requiring frequent modifications, thanks to minimal wiring and
installation costs per device and user. WLANs liberate users from dependence on hard-wired
access to the network backbone, giving them anytime, anywhere network access. This
freedom to roam offers numerous user benefits for a variety of work environments, such as:
Immediate bedside access to patient information for doctors and hospital staff
Easy, real-time network access for on-site consultants or auditors
Improved database access for roving supervisors such as production line managers,
warehouse auditors, or construction engineers
Simplified network configuration with minimal MIS involvement for temporary setups such
as trade shows or conference rooms
Faster access to customer information for service vendors and retailers, resulting in
better service and improved customer satisfaction
Location-independent access for network administrators, for easier on-site
troubleshooting and support
Real-time access to study group meetings and research links for students
IEEE 802.11 Architecture
The difference between a portable and mobile station is that a portable station moves from
point to point but is only used at a fixed point. Mobile stations access the LAN during
When two or more stations come together to communicate with each other, they form a Basic
Service Set (BSS). The minimum BSS consists of two stations. 802.11 LANs use the BSS as
the standard building block.
A BSS that stands alone and is not connected to a base is called an Independent Basic
Service Set (IBSS) or is referred to as an Ad-Hoc Network. An ad-hoc network is a network
where stations communicate only peer to peer. There is no base and no one gives permission
to talk. Mostly these networks are spontaneous and can be set up rapidly. Ad-Hoc or IBSS
networks are characteristically limited both temporally and spatially

Fig 1: "Adhoc Mode"
When BSS's are interconnected the network becomes one with infrastructure. 802.11
infrastructure has several elements. Two or more BSS's are interconnected using a
Distribution System or DS. This concept of DS increases network coverage. Each BSS
becomes a component of an extended, larger network. Entry to the DS is accomplished with
the use of Access Points (AP). An access point is a station, thus addressable. So, data moves
between the BSS and the DS with the help of these access points.
Creating large and complex networks using BSS's and DS's leads us to the next level of
hierarchy, the Extended Service Set or ESS. The beauty of the ESS is the entire network
looks like an independent basic service set to the Logical Link Control layer (LLC). This means
that stations within the ESS can communicate or even move between BSS′s transparently to
the LLC.
Fig 2: Infrastructure Mode
One of the requirements of IEEE 802.11 is that it can be used with existing wired networks.
802.11 solved this challenge with the use of a Portal. A portal is the logical integration
between wired LANs and 802.11. It also can serve as the access point to the DS. All data
going to an 802.11 LAN from an 802.X LAN must pass through a portal. It thus functions as
bridge between wired and wireless.
The implementation of the DS is not specified by 802.11. Therefore, a distribution system may
be created from existing or new technologies. A point-to-point bridge connecting LANs in two
separate buildings could become a DS.
While the implementation for the DS is not specified, 802.11 does specify the services, which
the DS must support. Services are divided into two sections
1. Station Services (SS)
2. Distribution System Services (DSS).
There are five services provided by the DSS
1. Association
2. Reassociation
3. Disassociation
4. Distribution
5. Integration
The first three services deal with station mobility. If a station is moving within its own BSS or is
not moving, the stations mobility is termed No-transition. If a station moves between BSS's
within the same ESS, its mobility is termed BSS-transition. If the station moves between BSS's
of differing ESS's it is ESS transition. A station must affiliate itself with the BSS infrastructure if
it wants to use the LAN. This is done by Associating itself with an access point. Associations
are dynamic in nature because stations move, turn on or turn off. A station can only be
associated with one AP. This ensures that the DS always knows where the station is.
Association supports no-transition mobility but is not enough to support BSS-transition. Enter
Reassociation. This service allows the station to switch its association from one AP to another.
Both association and reassociation are initiated by the station. Disassociation is when the
association between the station and the AP is terminated. This can be initiated by either party.
A disassociated station cannot send or receive data. ESS-transition are not supported. A
station can move to a new ESS but will have to reinitiate connections.
Distribution and Integration are the remaining DSS's. Distribution is simply getting the data
from the sender to the intended receiver. The message is sent to the local AP (input AP), then
distributed through the DS to the AP (output AP) that the recipient is associated with. If the
sender and receiver are in the same BSS, the input and out AP's are the same. So the
distribution service is logically invoked whether the data is going through the DS or not.
Integration is when the output AP is a portal. Thus, 802.x LANs are integrated into the 802.11
Station services are:
1. Authentication
2. Deauthentication
3. Privacy
4. MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) Delivery.
With a wireless system, the medium is not exactly bounded as with a wired system. In order to
control access to the network, stations must first establish their identity. This is much like
trying to enter a radio net in the military.
Before you are acknowledged and allowed to converse, you must first pass a series of tests to
ensure that you are who you say you are. That is really all authentication is. Once a station
has been authenticated, it may then associate itself. The authentication relationship may be
between two stations inside an IBSS or to the AP of the BSS. Authentication outside of the
BSS does not take place.
There are two types of authentication services offered by 802.11. The first is Open System
Authentication. This means that anyone who attempts to authenticate will receive
authentication. The second type is Shared Key Authentication. In order to become
authenticated the users must be in possession of a shared secret. The shared secret is
implemented with the use of the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) privacy algorithm. The
shared secret is delivered to all stations ahead of time in some secure method (such as
someone walking around and loading the secret onto each station).
Deauthentication is when either the station or AP wishes to terminate a stations
authentication. When this happens the station is automatically disassociated. Privacy is an
encryption algorithm, which is used so that other 802.11 users cannot eavesdrop on your LAN
traffic. IEEE 802.11 specifies Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) as an optional algorithm to
satisfy privacy. If WEP is not used then stations are "in the clear" or "in the red", meaning that
their traffic is not encrypted. Data transmitted in the clear are called plaintext. Data
transmissions, which are encrypted, are called ciphertext. All stations start "in the red" until
they are authenticated. MSDU delivery ensures that the information in the MAC service data
unit is delivered between the medium access control service access points.
The bottom line is this, authentication is basically a network wide password. Privacy is whether
or not encryption is used. Wired Equivalent Privacy is used to protect authorized stations from
eavesdroppers. WEP is reasonably strong. The algorithm can be broken in time. The
relationship between breaking the algorithm is directly related to the length of time that a key is
in use. So, WEP allows for changing of the key to prevent brute force attack of the algorithm.
WEP can be implemented in hardware or in software. One reason that WEP is optional is
because encryption may not be exported from the United States. This allows 802.11 to be a
standard outside the U.S. albeit without the encryption.
Physical Layer
The three physical layers originally defined in 802.11 included two spread-spectrum radio
techniques and a diffuse infrared specification.
The radio-based standards operate within the 2.4 GHz ISM band. These frequency bands are
recognized by international regulatory agencies radio operations. As such, 802.11-based
products do not require user licensing or special training
Spread-spectrum techniques, in addition to satisfying regulatory requirements, increase
reliability, boost throughput, and allow many unrelated products to share the spectrum without
explicit cooperation and with minimal interference.
The original 802.11 wireless standard defines data rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps via radio waves
using frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) or direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS).
It is important to note that FHSS and DSSS are fundamentally different signaling mechanisms
and will not interoperate with one another.
Using the frequency hopping technique, the 2.4 GHz band is divided into 75 1-MHz subchannels.
The sender and receiver agree on a hopping pattern, and data is sent over a sequence of the
subchannels. Each conversation within the 802.11 network occurs over a different hopping
pattern, and the patterns are designed to minimize the chance of two senders using the same
subchannel simultaneously.
FHSS techniques allow for a relatively simple radio design, but are limited to speeds of no higher
than 2 Mbps. This limitation is driven primarily by FCC (Federal Communications Commission
USA) regulations that restrict subchannel bandwidth to 1 MHz. These regulations force FHSS
systems to spread their usage across the entire 2.4 GHz band, meaning they must hop often,
which leads to a high amount of hopping overhead.
In contrast, the direct sequence signaling technique divides the 2.4 GHz band into 14 22-MHz
channels. Adjacent channels overlap one another partially, with three of the 14 being completely
non-overlapping. Data is sent across one of these 22 MHz channels without hopping to other
To compensate for noise on a given channel, a technique called “chipping” is used. Each bit of
user data is converted into a series of redundant bit patterns called “chips.” The inherent
redundancy of each chip combined with spreading the signal across the 22 MHz channel
provides for a form of error checking and correction; even if part of the signal is damaged, it can
still be recovered in many cases, minimizing the need for retransmissions.
Data Link Layer
The data link layer within 802.11 consists of two sublayers: Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media
Access Control (MAC).
802.11 uses the same 802.2 LLC and 48-bit addressing as other 802 LANs, allowing for very
simple bridging from wireless to IEEE wired networks, but the MAC is unique to WLANs.
The 802.11 MAC is very similar in concept to 802.3, in that it is designed to support multiple
users on a shared medium by having the sender sense the medium before accessing it.
For 802.3 Ethernet LANs, the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)
protocol regulates how Ethernet stations establish access to the wire and how they detect and
handle collisions that occur when two or more devices try to simultaneously communicate over
the LAN. In an 802.11 WLAN, collision detection is not possible due to what is known as the
“near/far” problem: to detect a collision, a station must be able to transmit and listen at the same
time, but in radio systems the transmission drowns out the ability of the station to “hear” a
To account for this difference, 802.11 uses a slightly modified protocol known as Carrier Sense
Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) or the Distributed Coordination Function
(DCF). CSMA/CA attempts to avoid collisions by using explicit packet acknowledgment (ACK),
which means an ACK packet is sent by the receiving station to confirm that the data packet
arrived intact.
CSMA/CA works as follows. A station wishing to transmit senses the air, and, if no activity is
detected, the station waits an additional, randomly selected period of time and then transmits if
the medium is still free. If the packet is received intact, the receiving station issues an ACK frame
that, once successfully received by the sender, completes the process. If the ACK frame is not
detected by the sending station, either because the original data packet was not received intact
or the ACK was not received intact, a collision is assumed to have occurred and the data packet
is transmitted again after waiting another random amount of time.
CSMA/CA thus provides a way of sharing access over the air. This explicit ACK mechanism also
handles interference and other radio related problems very effectively. However, it does add
some overhead to 802.11 that 802.3 does not have, so that an 802.11 LAN will always have
slower performance than an equivalent Ethernet LAN.
Another MAC-layer problem specific to wireless is the “hidden node” issue, in which two stations
on opposite sides of an access point can both “hear” activity from an access point, but not from
each other, usually due to distance or an obstruction. 

Fig 1: RTS/CTS Procedure eliminates the “Hidden Node” Problem
To solve this problem, 802.11 specifies an optional Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS)
protocol at the MAC layer. When this feature is in use, a sending station transmits an RTS and
waits for the access point to reply with a CTS. Since all stations in the network can hear the
access point, the CTS causes them to delay any intended transmissions, allowing the sending
station to transmit and receive a packet acknowledgment without any chance of collision.
Since RTS/CTS adds additional overhead to the network by temporarily reserving the medium, it
is typically used only on the largest-sized packets, for which retransmission would be expensive
from a bandwidth standpoint.
Finally, the 802.11 MAC layer provides for two other robustness features: CRC checksum and
packet fragmentation. Each packet has a CRC checksum calculated and attached to ensure that
the data was not corrupted in transit. This is different from Ethernet, where higher-level protocols
such as TCP handle error checking. Packet fragmentation allows large packets to be broken into
smaller units when sent over the air, which is useful in very congested environments or when
interference is a factor, since larger packets have a better chance of being corrupted. This
technique reduces the need for retransmission in many cases and thus improves overall wireless
network performance. The MAC layer is responsible for reassembling fragments received,
rendering the process transparent to higher level protocols.
Support for Time-Bounded Data
Time-bounded data such as voice and video is supported in the 802.11 MAC specification
through the Point Coordination Function (PCF). As opposed to the DCF, where control is
distributed to all stations, in PCF mode a single access point controls access to the media. If a
BSS is set up with PCF enabled, time is spliced between the system being in PCF mode and in
DCF (CSMA/CA) mode. During the periods when the system is in PCF mode, the access point
will poll each station for data, and after a given time move on to the next station. No station is
allowed to transmit unless it is polled, and stations receive data from the access point only when
they are polled. Since PCF gives every station a turn to transmit in a predetermined fashion, a
maximum latency is guaranteed. A downside to PCF is that it is not particularly scalable, in that a
single point needs to have control of media access and must poll all stations, which can be
ineffective in large networks.
IEEE 802.11 Standards
The most critical issue affecting WLAN demand has been limited throughput.
The data rates supported by the original 802.11 standards are too slow to support most
general business requirements and slowed the adoption of WLANs.
Recognizing the critical need to support higher data-transmission rates, the IEEE ratified the
802.11b standard (also known as 802.11 High Rate) for transmissions of up to 11 Mbps.
After 802.11b one more standard 802.11a has been ratified and in January 2002 the draft
specification of another 802.11g has been approved. 802.11g is expected to be ratified till
early 2003.
The letters after the number "802.11" tell us the order in which the standards were first
proposed . This means that the "new" 802.11a is actually older than the currently used
802.11b, which just happened to be ready first because it was based on relatively simple
technology-Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), as opposed to 802.11a's Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The more complex technology provides a higher
data rate: 802.11b can reach 11Mbits/sec, while 802.11a can reach 54Mbits/sec.
IEEE 802.11b
With 802.11b WLANs, mobile users can get Ethernet levels of performance, throughput, and
The basic architecture, features, and services of 802.11b are defined by the original 802.11
standard. The 802.11b specification affects only the physical layer, adding higher data rates and
more robust connectivity.
The key contribution of the 802.11b addition to the wireless LAN standard was to standardize the
physical layer support of two new speeds,5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps.
To accomplish this, DSSS had to be selected as the sole physical layer technique for the
standard since, as frequency hopping cannot support the higher speeds without violating current
FCC regulations. The implication is that 802.11b systems will interoperate with 1 Mbps and 2
Mbps 802.11 DSSS systems, but will not work with 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps 802.11 FHSS systems.
The original 802.11 DSSS standard specifies an 11-bit chipping?called a Barker sequence?to
encode all data sent over the air. Each 11-chip sequence represents a single data bit (1 or 0),
and is converted to a waveform, called a symbol, that can be sent over the air.
These symbols are transmitted at a 1 MSps (1 million symbols per second) symbol rate using
technique called Binary Phase Shift Keying BPSK). In the case of 2 Mbps, a more sophisticated
implementation called Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) is used; it doubles the data rate
available in BPSK, via improved efficiency in the use of the radio bandwidth. To increase the
data rate in the 802.11b standard, advanced coding techniques are employed.
Rather than the two 11-bit Barker sequences, 802.11b specifies Complementary Code Keying
(CCK), which consists of a set of 64 8-bit code words. As a set, these code words have unique
mathematical properties that allow them to be correctly distinguished from one another by a
receiver even in the presence of substantial noise and multipath interference (e.g., interference
caused by receiving multiple radio reflections within a building).
The 5.5 Mbps rate uses CCK to encode 4 bits per carrier, while the 11 Mbps rate encodes 8 bits
per carrier. Both speeds use QPSK as the modulation technique and signal at 1.375 MSps. This
is how the higher data rates are obtained. To support very noisy environments as well as
extended range, 802.11b WLANs use dynamic rate shifting, allowing data rates to be
automatically adjusted to compensate for the changing nature of the radio channel. Ideally, users
connect at the full 11 Mbps rate.
However when devices move beyond the optimal range for 11 Mbps operation, or if substantial
interference is present, 802.11b devices will transmit at lower speeds, falling back to 5.5, 2, and
1 Mbps. Likewise, if the device moves back within the range of a higher-speed transmission, the
connection will automatically speed up again. Rate shifting is a physical layer mechanism
transparent to the user and the upper layers of the protocol stack.
One of the more significant disadvantages of 802.11b is that the frequency band is crowded, and
subject to interference from other networking technologies, microwave ovens, 2.4GHz cordless
phones (a huge market), and Bluetooth. There are drawbacks to 802.11b, including lack of
interoperability with voice devices, and no QoS provisions for multimedia content. Interference
and other limitations aside, 802.11b is the clear leader in business and institutional wireless
networking and is gaining share for home applications as well.
IEEE 802.11a
802.11a, is much faster than 802.11b, with a 54Mbps maximum data rate operates in the 5GHz
frequency range and allows eight simultaneous channels
802.11a uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), a new encoding scheme that
offers benefits over spread spectrum in channel availability and data rate.
Channel availability is significant because the more independent channels that are available, the
more scalable the wireless network becomes. 802.11a uses OFDM to define a total of 8 non
overlapping 20 MHz channels across the 2 lower bands. By comparison, 802.11b uses 3 non
overlapping channels.
All wireless LANs use unlicensed spectrum; therefore they're prone to interference and
transmission errors. To reduce errors, both types of 802.11 automatically reduce the Physical
layer data rate. IEEE 802.11b has three lower data rates (5.5, 2, and 1Mbit/sec), and 802.11a
has seven (48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, and 6Mbits/sec). Higher (and more) data rates aren't 802.11a's
only advantage. It also uses a higher frequency band, 5GHz, which is both wider and less
crowded than the 2.4GHz band that 802.11b shares with cordless phones, microwave ovens,
and Bluetooth devices.
The wider band means that more radio channels can coexist without interference. Each radio
channel corresponds to a separate network, or a switched segment on the same network. One
big disadvantage is that it is not directly compatible with 802.11b, and requires new bridging
products that can support both types of networks. Other clear disadvantages are that 802.11a is
only available in half the bandwidth in Japan (for a maximum of four channels), and it isn't
approved for use in Europe, where HiperLAN2 is the standard.
IEEE 802.11g
Though 5GHz has many advantages, it also has problems. The most important of these is
The different frequencies mean that 802.11a products aren't interoperable with the 802.11b
base. To get around this, the IEEE developed 802.11g, which should extend the speed and
range of 802.11b so that it's fully compatible with the older systems.
The standard operates entirely in the 2.4GHz frequency, but uses a minimum of two modes (both
mandatory) with two optional modes. The mandatory modulation/access modes are the same
CCK (Complementary Code Keying) mode used by 802.11b (hence the compatibility) and the
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) mode used by 802.11a (but in this case in
the 2.4GHz frequency band). The mandatory CCK mode supports 11Mbps and the OFDM mode
has a maximum of 54Mbps. There are also two modes that use different methods to attain a
22Mbps data rate--PBCC-22 (Packet Binary Convolutional Coding, rated for 6 to 54Mbps) and
CCK-OFDM mode (with a rated max of 33Mbps).
The obvious advantage of 802.11g is that it maintains compatibility with 802.11b (and 802.11b's
worldwide acceptance) and also offers faster data rates comparable with 802.11a. The number
of channels available, however, is not increased, since channels are a function of bandwidth, not
radio signal modulation - and on that score, 802.11a wins with its eight channels, compared to
the three channels available with either 802.11b or 802.11g. Another disadvantage of 802.11g is
that it also works in the 2.4 GHz band and so due to interference it will never be as fast as
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                        WIRELESS LANS AND PANS
The field of computer networks has grown significantly in the last three decades. An interesting usage of computer networks is in offices and educational institutions, where tens (sometimes hundreds) of personal computers (PCs) are interconnected, to share resources (e.g., printers) and exchange information, using a high-bandwidth communication medium (such as the Ethernet). These privately-owned networks are known as local area networks (LANs) which come under the category of small-scale
networks(networks within a single building or campus with a size of a few kilometres). To do away with the wiring associated with the interconnection of PCs in LANs, researchers have explored the possible usage of radio waves and infrared light for interconnection. This has resulted in the emergence of wireless LANs (WLANs), where wireless transmission is used at the physical layer of the network. Wireless personal area networks (WPANs) are the next step down from WLANs, covering smaller areas with low power transmission, for networking of portable and mobile computing devices such as PCs, personal digital assistants (PDAs), which are essentially very small computers designed to consume as little power as possible so as to increase the lifetime of their batteries, cell phones, printers, speakers, microphones, and other consumer electronics. 
The terms "node," "station," and "terminal" are used interchangeably. While both portable terminals and mobile terminals can move from one place to another, portable terminals are accessed only when they are stationary. Mobile terminals (MTs), on the other hand, are more powerful, and can be accessed when they are in motion. WLANs aim to support truly mobile work stations.
1.2.1 Technical Issues  
The differences between wireless and wired networks, the use of WLANs, and the design goals for WLANs. 
Differences Between Wireless and Wired Transmission
Address is not equivalent to physical location: In a wireless network, address refers to a particular station and this station need not be stationary.
Therefore, address may not always refer to a particular geographical location. 
Dynamic topology and restricted connectivity: The mobile nodes may often
go out of reach of each other. This means that network connectivity is partial at times. 
Medium boundaries are not well-defined: The exact reach of wireless signals cannot be determined accurately. It depends on various factors such as signal strength and noise levels. This means that the precise boundaries of the medium cannot be determined easily. 
Error-prone medium: Transmissions by a node in the wireless channel are affected by simultaneous transmissions by neighboring nodes that are located within the direct transmission range of the transmitting node. This means that the error rates are significantly higher in the wireless medium. We need to build a reliable network on top of an inherently unreliable channel. This is realized in practice by having reliable protocols at the MAC layer, which hide the unreliability that is present in the physical layer. 
Uses of WLANs 
Wireless computer networks are capable of offering versatile functionalities.
WLANs are very flexible and can be configured in a variety of topologies based on the application. Some possible uses of WLANs are mentioned below. 
• Users would be able to surf the Internet, check e-mail, and receive Instant Messages on the move.
• In areas affected by earthquakes or other such disasters, no suitable infrastructure may be available on the site. WLANs are handy in such locations to set up networks on the fly. 
• There are many historic buildings where there has been a need to set up computer networks. In such places, wiring may not be permitted or the building design may not be conducive to efficient wiring. WLANs are very good solutions in such places.
Design Goals
The following are some of the goals which have to be achieved while designing
Operational simplicity: Design of wireless LANs must incorporate features to enable a mobile user to quickly set up and access network services in a simple and efficient manner. 
Power-efficient operation: The power-constrained nature of mobile computing devices such as laptops and PDAs necessitates the important requirement of WLANs operating with minimal power consumption. Therefore, the design of WLAN must incorporate power-saving features and use appropriate technologies and protocols to achieve this. 
License-free operation: One of the major factors that affects the cost of wireless access is the license fee for the spectrum in which a particular wireless access technology operates. Low cost of access is an important aspect for popularizing a WLAN technology. Hence the design of WLAN should consider the parts of the frequency spectrum (e.g., ISM band) for its operation which do not require an explicit licensing.
Tolerance to interference: The proliferation of different wireless networking
technologies both for civilian and military applications and the use of the microwave frequency spectrum for non-communication purposes(e.g.,microwave ovens) have led to a significant increase in the interference level across the radio spectrum. The WLAN design should account for this and take appropriate measures by way of selecting technologies and protocols to operate in the presence of interference. 
Global usability: The design of the WLAN, the choice of technology, and the
selection of the operating frequency spectrum should take into account the
prevailing spectrum restrictions in countries across the world. This ensures the
acceptability of the technology across the world.
Security: The inherent broadcast nature of wireless medium adds to the requirement of security features to be included in the design of WLAN technology. 
Safety requirements: The design of WLAN technology should follow the safety requirements that can be classified into the following: (i) interference to medical and other instrumentation devices and (ii) increased power level of transmitters that can lead to health hazards. A well-designed WLAN should follow the power emission restrictions that are applicable in the given frequency spectrum. 
Quality of service requirements: Quality of service (QoS) refers to the
provisioning of designated levels of performance for multimedia traffic. The design of WLAN should take into consideration the possibility of supporting a wide variety of traffic, including multimedia traffic. 
Compatibility with other technologies and applications: The interoperability among the different LANs (wired or wireless) is important for efficient communication between hosts operating with different LAN technologies. In addition to this, interoperability with existing WAN protocols such as TCP/IP of the Internet is essential to provide a seamless communication across the WANs.

1.2.2 Network Architecture  
This section lists the types of WLANs, the components of a typical WLAN, and the services offered by a WLAN. 
Infrastructure Based Versus Ad Hoc LANs
WLANs can be broadly classified into two types, infrastructure networks and
adhoc LANs, based on the underlying architecture. Infrastructure networks contain special nodes called access points (APs), which are connected via existing networks. APs are special in the sense that they can interact with wireless nodes as well as with the existing wired network. The other wireless nodes, also known as mobile stations, communicate via APs. The APs also act as bridges with other networks. Ad hoc LANs do not need any fixed infrastructure. These networks can be setup on the fly at any place. Nodes communicate directly with each other or forward messages through other nodes that are directly accessible. 
Components in a Typical IEEE 802.11 Network
IEEE 802.11 is the most popular WLAN standard that defines the specification
for the physical and MAC layers. The success of this standard can be understood from the fact that the revenue from the products based on this standard touched $730 million in the second quarter of the year 2003. The basic components in a typical IEEE 802.11 WLAN are listed. The set of stations that can remain in contact (i.e., are associated) with a given AP is called a basic service set (BSS). The coverage area of an AP within which member stations (STAs or MTs) may remain in communication is called the basic service area (BSA). The stations that are a part of a BSS need to be located within the BSA of the corresponding AP. A BSS is the basic building block of the network.
BSSs are connected by means of a distribution system(DS) to form an extended
network.DS refers to an existing network infrastructure. The implementation of the DS is not specified by the IEEE 802.11 standard. The services of the DS, however, are specified rigidly. This gives a lot of flexibility in the design of the DS. The APs are connected by means of the DS. Portals are logical points through which non-IEEE 802.11 packets (wired LAN packets) enter the system.
They are necessary for integrating wireless networks with the existing wired networks. Just as an AP interacts with the DS as well as the wireless nodes, the
portal interacts with the wired network as well as with the DS. The BSSs, DS,
and the portals together with the stations they connect constitute the extended
service set (ESS). An ad hoc LAN has only one BSS. Therefore, ad hoc LANs
are also known as independent basic service sets (IBSSs). It may be noted that
the ESS and IBSS appear identical to the logical link control (LLC).
Figure 1.1 gives a schematic picture of what a typical ESS looks like 


Figure 1.1. Extended Service Set.
Services Offered by a Typical IEEE 802.11 Network
The services offered by a typical IEEE 802.11 network can be broadly divided
into two categories: AP services and STA services. The following are the AP
services, which are provided by the DS:
Association: The identity of an STA and its address should be known to the
AP before the STA can transmit or receive frames on the WLAN. This is done
during association, and the information is used by the AP to facilitate routing of
Reassociation: The established association is transferred from one AP to
another using reassociation. This allows STAs to move from one BSS to
Disassociation: When an existing association is terminated, a notification is
issued by the STA or the AP. This is called disassociation, and is done when
nodes leave the BSS or when nodes shut down. 
Distribution: Distribution takes care of routing frames. If the destination is in
the same BSS, the frame is transmitted directly to the destination, otherwise the
frame is sent via the DS. 
Integration: To send frames through non-IEEE 802.11 networks, which may
have different addressing schemes or frame formats, the integration service is
The following are the STA services, which are provided by every
station, including APs: 
Authentication: Authentication is done in order to establish the identity of
stations to each other. The authentication schemes range from relatively
insecure handshaking to public-key encryption schemes. 
• Deauthentication: Deauthentication is invoked to terminate existing
Privacy: The contents of messages may be encrypted (say, by using the WEP
algorithm) to prevent eavesdroppers from reading the messages. 
Data delivery: IEEE 802.11 naturally provides a way to transmit and receive
data. However, like Ethernet, the transmission is not guaranteed to be completely reliable. 
1.3 IEEE 802.11 STANDARD

IEEE 802.11 is a prominent standard for WLANs, which is adopted by many
vendors of WLAN products. A later version of this standard is the IEEE
802.11b, commercially known as Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity). The IEEE 802.11
standard, which deals with the physical and MAC layers in WLANs, was
brought out in 1997. It may be observed that IEEE 802.11 was the first WLAN
standard that faced the challenge of organizing a systematic approach for
defining a standard for wireless wideband local access (small-scale networks
capable of transmitting data at high rates). Wireless standards need to have
provisions to support mobility of nodes. The IEEE802.11 working group had to
examine connection management, link reliability management, and power
management — none of which was a concern for other standards in IEEE 802.
In addition, provision for security had to be introduced. For all these reasons
and because of several competing proposals, it took nearly ten years for the
development of IEEE 802.11, which was much longer compared to the time
taken for the development of other 802 standards for the wired media. Once the
overall picture and the ideas became clear, it took only a reasonable duration of
time to develop the IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11b enhancements. Under the
IEEE 802.11 standard, MTs can operate in two modes: (i) infrastructure mode,
in which MTs can communicate with one or more APs which are connected to a
WLAN, and (ii) ad hoc mode, in which MTs can communicate directly with
each other without using an AP.
1.3.1 Physical Layer
IEEE 802.11 supports three options for the medium to be used at the physical
level — one is based on infrared and the other two are based on radio
transmission. The physical layer is subdivided conceptually into two parts —
Physical Medium Dependent sub layer (PMD) and Physical Layer Convergence
Protocol (PLCP). PMD handles encoding, decoding, and modulation of signals
and thus deals with the idiosyncrasies of the particular medium. The PLCP
abstracts the functionality that the physical layer has to offer to the MAC layer.
PLCP offers a Service Access Point (SAP) that is independent of the
transmission technology, and a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) carrier sense
signal to the MAC layer. The SAP abstracts the channel which can offer up to 1
or 2 Mbps data transmission bandwidth. The CCA is used by the MAC layer to
implement the CSMA/CA mechanism. 
The three choices for the physical layer in the original 802.11 standard are as
(i) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) operating in the license-free
2.4 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band, at data rates of 1 Mbps
[using 2-level Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) modulation scheme] and
2 Mbps(using 4-level GFSK); 
(ii) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM
band, at data rates of 1 Mbps [using Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
(DBPSK) modulation scheme] and 2 Mbps [using Differential Quadrature Phase
Shift Keying (DQPSK)]; 
(iii) Infrared operating at wavelengths in 850-950 nm range, at data rates of 1
Mbps and 2 Mbps using Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) scheme. 
Carrier Sensing Mechanisms 
In IEEE 802.3, sensing the channel is very simple. The receiver reads the peak
voltage on the cable and compares it against a threshold. In contrast, the
mechanism employed in IEEE 802.11 is relatively more complex. It is performed either physically or virtually. As mentioned earlier, the physical layer sensing is through the Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) signal provided by the PLCP in the physical layer of the IEEE 802.11. The CCA is generated based on sensing of the air interface either by sensing the detected bits in the air or by checking the Received Signal Strength (RSS) of the carrier against a threshold. 
Decisions based on the detected bits are made somewhat more slowly, but they
are more reliable. Decisions based on the RSS can potentially create a false
alarm caused by measuring the level of interference.
1.3.2 Basic MAC Layer Mechanisms as specified by the IEEE 802.11
The primary function of this layer is to arbitrate and statistically multiplex the
transmission requests of various wireless stations that are operating in an area.
This assumes importance because wireless transmissions are inherently
broadcast in nature and contentions to access the shared channel need to be
resolved prudently in order to avoid collisions, or at least to reduce the number
of collisions. The MAC layer also supports many auxiliary functionalities such
as offering support for roaming, authentication, and taking care of power
conservation. The basic services supported are the mandatory asynchronous data
service and an optional real-time service. The asynchronous data service is
supported for unicast packets as well as for multicast packets. The real-time
service is supported only in infrastructure-based networks where APs control
access to the shared medium.
Distributed Foundation Wireless Medium Access Control (DFWMAC)
The primary access method of IEEE 802.11 is by means of a distributed
coordination function (DCF). This mandatory basic function is based on a
version of carrier sense with multiple access and collision avoidance
(CSMA/CA). To avoid the hidden terminal problem, an optional RTS-CTS
mechanism is implemented. There is a second method called the Point
Coordination Function (PCF) that is implemented to provide real-time services.
When the PCF is in operation, the AP controls medium access and avoids
simultaneous transmissions by the nodes.
Inter-Frame Spacing (IFS)
Inter-Frame Spacing refers to the time interval between the transmission
of two successive frames by any station. There are four types of IFS: SIFS,
PIFS, DIFS, and EIFS, in order from shortest to longest. They denote priority
levels of access to the medium. Shorter IFS denotes a higher priority to access
the medium, because the wait time to access the medium is lower. The exact
values of the IFS are obtained from the attributes specified in the Physical Layer
Management Information Base (PHYMIB) and are independent of the station
bit rate. 
Short Inter-Frame Spacing (SIFS) is the shortest of all the IFSs and denotes
highest priority to access the medium. It is defined for short control messages
such as acknowledgments for data packets and polling responses. The
transmission of any packet should begin only after the channel is sensed to be
idle for a minimum time period of at least SIFS. 
PCF Inter-Frame Spacing (PIFS) is the waiting time whose value lies
between SIFS and DIFS. This is used for real-time services. 
DCF Inter-Frame Spacing (DIFS) is used by stations that are operating
under the DCF mode to transmit packets. This is for asynchronous data transfer
within the contention period. 
Extended Inter-Frame Spacing (EIFS) is the longest of all the IFSs and
denotes the least priority to access the medium. EIFS is used for
resynchronization whenever physical layer detects incorrect MAC frame
1.3.3 CSMA/CA Mechanism
Carrier Sense With Multiple Access And Collision Avoidance
(CSMA/CA) is the MAC layer mechanism used by IEEE 802.11 WLANs.
Carrier Sense With Multiple Access And Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a
well-studied technique in IEEE 802.x wired LANs. This technique cannot be
used in the context of WLANs effectively because the error rate in WLANs is
much higher and allowing collisions will lead to a drastic reduction in
throughput. Moreover, detecting collisions in the wireless medium is not always
possible. The technique adopted here is therefore one of collision avoidance.
The Medium Access Mechanism
The basic channel access mechanism of IEEE 802.11 is shown in Figure 1.2 (a).
If the medium is sensed to be idle for a duration of DIFS, the node accesses the
medium for transmission. Thus the channel access delay at very light loads is
equal to the DIFS.
Figure 1.2. IEEE 802.11 DCF and RTS-CTS mechanism

If the medium is busy, the node backs off, in which the station defers channel
access by a random amount of time chosen within a contention window(CW).
The value of CW can vary between CWmin and CWmax . The time intervals are all
integral multiples of slot times, which are chosen judiciously using propagation
delay, delay in the transmitter, and other physical layer dependent parameters.
As soon as the back-off counter reaches zero and expires, the station can access
the medium. During the back-off process, if anode detects a busy channel, it
freezes the back-off counter and the process is resumed once the channel
becomes idle for a period of DIFS. Each station executes the back-off procedure
at least once between every successive transmission.

In the scheme discussed so far, each station has the same chances for
transmitting data next time, independent of the overall waiting time for
transmission. Such a system is clearly unfair. Ideally, one would like to give
stations that wait longer a higher priority service in order to ensure that they are
not starved. The back-off timer incorporated into the above mechanism tries to
make it fair. Longer waiting stations, instead of choosing another random
interval from the contention window, wait only for a residual amount of time
that is specified by the back-off timer.
Contention Window Size
The size of the Contention Window (CW) is another important parameter. If the
CW is small in size, then the random values will be close together and there is a
high probability of packet collision. On the other hand, if the size of CW is very
large, there will be some unnecessary delay because of large back-off values.
Ideally, one would like the system to adapt to the current number of stations that
are contending for channel access. To effect this, the truncated binary
exponential back-off technique is used here, which is similar to the technique
used in IEEE 802.3. The initial contention window is set to a random value
between (0, CWmin) and each time a collision occurs, the CW doubles its size
up to a maximum of CWmax. So at high load, the CW size is high and therefore
the resolution power of the system is high. At low loads, small CW ensures low
access delay. The specified values of CWmin andCWmax for different physical
layer specifications are given in Table 1.1.
Table 2.1. IEEE 802.11 parameters
Acknowledgments (ACKs) must be sent for data packets in order to ensure their
correct delivery. For unicast packets, the receiver accesses the medium after
waiting for a SIFS and sends an ACK. Other stations have to wait for DIFS plus
their backoff time. This reduces the probability of a collision. Thus higher
priority is given for sending an ACK for the previously received data packet
than for starting a new data packet transmission. ACK ensures the correct
reception of the MAC layer frame by using cyclic redundancy checksum
(CRC)technique. If no ACK is received by the sender, then a retransmission
takesplace. The number of retransmissions is limited, and failure is reported to
the higher layer after the retransmission count exceeds this limit.
RTS-CTS Mechanism
The hidden terminal problem is a major problem that is observed in wireless
networks. This is a classic example of problems arising due to incomplete
topology information in wireless networks that was mentioned initially. It also
highlights the non-transitive nature of wireless transmission. In some situations,
one node can receive from two other nodes, which cannot hear each other. In
such cases, the receiver may be bombarded by both the senders, resulting in
collisions and reduced throughput. But the senders, unaware of this, may get the
impression that the receiver can clearly listen to them without interference from
anyone else. This is called the hidden terminal problem. To alleviate this
problem, the RTS-CTS mechanism has been devised as shown in Figure 1.2 (b).
How RTS-CTS Works
The sender sends a request to send (RTS) packet to the receiver. The packet
includes the receiver of the next data packet to be transmitted and the expected
duration of the whole data transmission. This packet is received by all stations
that can hear the sender. Every station that receives this packet will set its
Network Allocation Vector (NAV) accordingly. The NAV of a station specifies
the earliest time when the station is permitted to attempt transmission. After
waiting for SIFS, the intended receiver of the data packet answers with a clear
to send (CTS) packet if it is ready to accept the data packet. The CTS packet
contains the duration field, and all stations receiving the CTS packet also set
their NAVs. These stations are within the transmission range of the receiver.
The set of stations receiving the CTS packet may be different from the set of
stations that received the RTS packet, which indicates the presence of some
hidden terminals. Once the RTS packet has been sent and CTS packet has been
received successfully, all nodes within receiving distance from the sender and
from the receiver are informed that the medium is reserved for one sender
exclusively. The sender then starts data packet transmission after waiting for
SIFS. The receiver, after receiving the packet, waits for another SIFS and sends
the ACK.As soon as the transmission is over, the NAV in each node marks the
medium as free (unless the node has meanwhile heard some other RTS/CTS)
and the process can repeat again. The RTS packet is like any other packet and
collisions can occur only at the beginning when RTS or CTS is being sent. Once
the RTS and CTS packets are transmitted successfully, nodes that listen to the
RTS or the CTS refrain from causing collision to the ensuing data transmission,
because of their NAVs which will be set. The usage of RTS-CTS dialog before
data packet transmission is a form of virtual carrier sensing.
Overhead Involved in RTS-CTS
It can be observed that the above mechanism is akin to reserving the medium
prior to a particular data transfer sequence in order to avoid collisions during
this transfer. But transmission of RTS-CTS can result in non-negligible
overhead. Therefore, the RTS-CTS mechanism is used judiciously. An RTS
threshold is used to determine whether to start the RTSCTS mechanism or not.
Typically, if the frame size is more than the RTS threshold, the RTS-CTS
mechanism is activated and a four-way handshake (i.e., RTS-CTS-DATA
ACK) follows. If the frame size is below the RTS threshold, the nodes resort to
a two-way handshake (DATA-ACK).
MAC as a State Machine
Figure 1.3 diagrammatically shows what has been discussed so far. It models
the MAC layer as a finite state-machine, and shows the permissible transitions.
It must be noted that the state-machine is simplistic and is given only to ease the
understanding of the fundamental mechanisms at the MAC layer. The
functioning of the finite state-machine is explained in what follows.
Figure 1.3. MAC state transition diagram. 

If a node has a packet to send and is in the IDLE state, it goes into the
WAIT_FOR_NAV state. After the on-going transmissions (if any) in the
neighborhood are over, the node goes to the WAIT_FOR_DIFS state. After
waiting for DIFS amount of time, if the medium continues to be idle, the station
enters the BACKING_OFF state. Otherwise, the station sets its back-off
counter(if the counter value is zero) and goes back to the IDLE state. During
back-off, if the node senses a busy channel, the node saves the back-off counter
and goes back to the IDLE state. Otherwise, it goes into one of three states. If
the packet type is broadcast, the node enters the TRANSMITTING_BCAST
state where it transmits the broadcast packet. If the packet type is unicast and
the packet size is less than the RTS threshold, the node enters the
TRANSMITTING_UNICAST state and starts transmitting data. If the packet
size is greater than the RTS threshold, the node enters the
TRANSMITTING_RTS state and starts transmitting the RTS packet. After the
RTS transmission is over, the node enters the WAITING_FOR_CTS state. If the
CTS packet is not received within a specified time, the node times out and goes
back to the IDLE state, and increases the CW value exponentially up to a
maximum of CWmax
. If the CTS packet is received, the node enters the TRANSMITTING_UNICAST state and starts transmitting data. After the unicast packet is transmitted, the node enters the WAITING_FOR_ACK state.
When the node receives the ACK, it goes back to the IDLE state and reduces the
CW value to CWmin . If a node receives an RTS packet when in IDLE state and if
the NAV of the node indicates that no other on-going transmissions exist, the
node enters the TRANSMITTING_CTS state and starts transmitting the CTS
packet. After the CTS packet is transmitted, the node enters the
WAITING_FOR_DATA state and waits for the data packet from the sender. On
receiving the data packet, the node enters the TRANSMITTING_ACK state and
starts transmitting the ACK for the data packet. When the ACK has been
transmitted, the node goes back to the IDLE state. If the data packet is not
received, the receiver returns to the IDLE state. 
Bit error rates in the wireless medium are much higher than in other media. The
bit error rate in fiber optics is only about 10-9 , whereas in wireless, it is as large
as 10-4. One way of decreasing the frame error rate is by using shorter frames.
IEEE 802.11 specifies a fragmentation mode where user data packets are split
into several smaller parts transparent to the user. This will lead to shorter 
frames, and frame error will result in retransmission of a shorter frame. The
RTS and CTS messages carry duration values for the current fragment and
estimated time for the next fragment. The medium gets reserved for the
successive frames until the last fragment is sent. The length of each fragment is
the same for all the fragments except the last fragment. The fragments contain
information to allow the complete MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU, informally
referred to as packet) to be reassembled from the fragments that constitute it.
The frame type, sender address, destination address, sequence control field, and
indicator for more fragments to come are all present in the fragment header. The
destination constructs the complete packet by reassembling the fragments in the
order of the sequence number field. The receiving station ensures that all
duplicate fragments are discarded and only one copy of each fragment is
integrated. Acknowledgments for the duplicates may, however, be sent. 
1.3.4 Other MAC Layer Functionalities
There are several other functionalities that the MAC layer provides in IEEE
802.11 WLANs. The functionalities are the Point Coordination Function (PCF)
which is used for QoS guarantees, Timing Synchronization, Power
Management, and Support For Roaming. 
Point Coordination Function
The objective of the point coordination function (PCF) is to provide guarantees
on the maximum access delay, minimum transmission bandwidth, and other
QoS parameters. Unlike the DCF, where the medium contention is resolved in a
distributed manner, the PCF works by effecting a centralized contention
resolution scheme, and is applicable only in networks where an AP polls the
nodes in its BSS. A point coordinator (PC) at the AP splits the access time into
super frame periods. The super frame period consists of alternating contention
free periods (CFPs) and contention periods (CPs). The PC will determine which
station has the right to transmit at any point of time. The PCF is essentially a
polled service with the PC playing the role of the polling master. The operation
of the PCF may require additional coordination to perform efficient operation in
cases where multiple PCs are operating simultaneously such that their
transmission ranges overlap. The IFS used by the PCF is smaller than the IFS of
the frames transmitted by the DCF. This means that point-coordinated traffic
will have higher priority access to the medium if DCF and PCF are concurrently
in action. The PC controls frame transmissions so that contentions are 
eliminated over a limited period of time, that is, the CFP.
Synchronization of clocks of all the wireless stations is an important function to
be performed by the MAC layer. Each node has an internal clock, and clocks are
all synchronized by a Timing Synchronization Function (TSF). Synchronized
clocks are required for power management, PCF coordination, and Frequency
Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) hopping sequence synchronization. Without
synchronization, clocks of the various wireless nodes in the network may not
have a consistent view of the global time. Within a BSS, quasi periodic beacon
frames are transmitted by the AP, that is, one beacon frame is sent every Target
Beacon Transmission Time (TBTT) and the transmission of a beacon is deferred
if the medium is busy. A beacon contains a time-stamp that is used by the node
to adjust its clock. The beacon also contains some management information for
power optimization and roaming. Not all beacons need to be heard for achieving
Power Management
Usage of power cords restricts the mobility that wireless nodes can potentially
offer. The usage of battery-operated devices calls for power management
because battery power is expensive. Stations that are always ready to receive
data consume more power (the receiver current may be as high as 100 mA). The
transceiver must be switched off whenever carrier sensing is not needed. But
this has to be done in a manner that is transparent to the existing protocols. It is
for this reason that power management is an important functionality in the MAC
layer. Therefore, two states of the station are defined: sleep and awake. The
sleep state refers to the state where the transceiver cannot receive or send
wireless signals. Longer periods in the sleep state mean that the average
throughput will be low. On the other hand, shorter periods in the sleep state consume a lot of battery power and are likely to reduce battery life. If a sender
wants to communicate with a sleeping station, it has to buffer the data it wishes
to send. It will have to wait until the sleeping station wakes up, and then send
the data. Sleeping stations wake up periodically, when senders can announce the
destinations of their buffered data frames. If any node is a destination, then that
node has to stay awake until the corresponding transmission takes place.
Each AP may have a range of up to a few hundred meters where its transmission
will be heard well. The user may, however, walk around so that he goes from
the BSS of one AP to the BSS of another AP. Roaming refers to providing
uninterrupted service when the user walks around with a wireless station. When
the station realizes that the quality of the current link is poor, it starts scanning
for another AP. This scanning can be done in two ways: active scanning and
passive scanning. Active scanning refers to sending a probe on each channel and
waiting for a response. Passive scanning refers to listening into the medium to
find other networks. The information necessary for joining the new BSS can be
obtained from the beacon and probe frames.
1.3.5 Other Issues
Improvements in the IEEE 802.11 standard have been proposed to support
higher data rates for voice and video traffic. Also, QoS provisioning and
security issues have been addressed in extended versions of the standard.
Newer Standards
The original standards for IEEE 802.11 came out in 1997 and promised a data
rate of 1-2 Mbps in the license-free 2.4 GHz ISM band. Since then, several
improvements in technology have called for newer and better standards that
offer higher data rates. This has manifested in the form of IEEE802.11aand
IEEE 802.11b standards, both of which came out in 1999. IEEE 802.11b, an
extension of IEEE 802.11 DSSS scheme, defines operation in the 2.4GHz ISM
band at data rates of 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps, and is trademarked commercially
by the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) as Wi-Fi. It achieves
high data rates due to the use of Complimentary Code Keying(CCK). IEEE
802.11a operates in the 5 GHz band (unlicensed national information
infrastructure band), and uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM) at the physical layer. IEEE 802.11a supports data rates up to 54 Mbps
and is the fast Ethernet analogue to IEEE 802.11b.Other IEEE 802.11 (c, d, and
h) task groups are working on special regulatory and networking issues. IEEE
802.11e deals with the requirements of time sensitive applications such as voice
and video. IEEE802.11f deals with inter-AP communication to handle roaming.
IEEE 802.11g aims at providing the high speed of IEEE 802.11a in the ISM
band. IEEE 802.11i deals with advanced encryption standards to support better
QoS for Voice and Video Packets
In order to offer QoS, delay-sensitive packets (such as voice and video packets)
are to be given a higher priority to get ahead of less time-critical (e.g., file
transfer) traffic. Several mechanisms have been proposed to offer weighted
priority. Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF) can be used where the AP polls
the stations in a weighted way in order to offer QoS. Extended DCF is another
mechanism which has been proposed where the higher priority stations will
choose the random back-off interval from a smaller CW. Performance of
WLANs where voice and data services are integrated.
Wired Equivalent Privacy
Security is a very important issue in the design of WLANs. In order to provide a
modest level of physical security, the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
mechanism was devised. The name WEP implies that this mechanism is aimed
at providing the level of privacy that is equivalent to that of a wired LAN. Data
integrity, access control, and confidentiality are the three aims of WEP. It
assumes the existence of an external key management service that distributes
the key sequence used by the sender. This mechanism relies on the fact that the
secret key cannot be determined by brute force. However, WEP has been proven
to be vulnerable if more sophisticated mechanisms are used to crack the key. It
uses the pseudo-random number key generated by RSA RC4 algorithm which
has been efficiently implemented in hardware as well as in software. This
mechanism makes use of the fact that if we take the plain text, XOR (bit-by-bit
exclusive OR) it with a pseudo-random key sequence, and then XOR the result
with the same key sequence, we get back the plain text.
The European counterparts to the IEEE 802.11 standards are the high
performance radio LAN(HIPERLAN) standards defined by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). It is to be noted that while the
IEEE 802.11 standards can use either radio access or infrared access, the
HIPERLAN standards are based on radio access only. The standards have been
defined as part of the ETSI Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) project.
In general, broadband systems are those in which user data rates are greater than
2Mbps (and can go up to 100s of Mbps). Four standards have been defined for
wireless networks by the ETSI.
• HIPERLAN/1 is a wireless radio LAN (RLAN) without a wired infrastructure,
based on one-to-one and one-to-many broadcasts. It can be used as an extension
to a wired infrastructure, thus making it suited to both ad hoc and infrastructure
based networks. It employs the 5.15 GHz and the 17.1 GHz frequency bands
and provides a maximum data rate of 23.5 Mbps.
• The HIPERLAN/2 standard intends to provide short-range (up to 200
m)wireless access to Internet Protocol (IP), Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(ATM),and other infrastructure-based networks and, more importantly, to
integrate WLANs into cellular systems. It employs the 5 GHz frequency band
and offers a wide range of data rates from 6 Mbps to 54 Mbps. HIPERLAN/2
has been designed to meet the requirements of future wireless multimedia
ATM networks are connection-oriented and require a connection to set up prior
to transfer of information from a source to a destination. All information to be
transmitted — voice, data, image, and video — is first fragmented into small,
fixed-size packets known as cells. These cells are then switched and routed using
packet switching principles.
• HIPERACCESS (originally called HIPERLAN/3) covers "the last mile" to the
customer; it enables establishment of outdoor high-speed radio access networks,
providing fixed radio connections to customer premises. HIPERACCESS
provides a data rate of 25 Mbps. It can be used to connect
HIPERLAN/2deployments that are located far apart (up to 5 Km away). It
offers point-to multi point communication.
•The HIPERLINK (originally called HIPERLAN/4) standard provides high
speed radio links for point-to-point static interconnections. This is used to
connect different HIPERLAN access points or HIPERACCESS networks with
high-speed links over short distances of up to 150 m. For example, the
HIPERLINK can be employed to provide links between different rooms or
floors within a large building. HIPERLINK operates on the 17 GHz frequency
range. Figure 1.4 shows a typical deployment of the ETSI standards. The
standards excluding HIPERLAN/1 are grouped under the BRAN project. The
scope of the BRAN has been to standardize the radio access network and the
functions that serve as the interface to the infrastructural networks.
Figure 2.10. The ETSI-BRAN systems.

1.4.1 HIPERLAN/1
 HIPERLAN/1 is a RLAN standard that was introduced by
the ETSI in 1995.The standard allows nodes to be deployed either in a pre
arranged or in an adhoc fashion. Apart from supporting node mobility,
HIPERLAN/1 provides forwarding mechanisms (multi-hop routing). Thus,
coverage is not limited to just the neighboring nodes. Using a clever framing
scheme as explained later in this section, HIPERLAN/1 provides a data rate of
around 23.5 Mbps without utilizing much power, thus having the capability to
support multimedia data and asynchronous data effectively. This data rate is
significantly higher than that provided by IEEE 802.11. The HIPERLAN/1
protocol stack is restricted to the two lower-most layers in the OSI reference
model: the data link layer (DLL)and the physical layer. The DLL is further
divided into the medium access control (MAC) sublayer and the channel access
control (CAC) sublayer. The sections that follow describe the standard.
The Physical Layer
The tasks of the physical layer are modulation and demodulation of a radio
carrier with a bit stream, forward error-correction mechanisms, signal strength
measurement, and synchronization between the sender and the receiver. The
standard uses the CCA scheme (similar to IEEE 802.11) to sense whether the
channel is idle or busy.
The MAC Sublayer

The HIPERLAN/1 MAC (HM) sublayer is responsible for processing the
packets from the higher layers and scheduling the packets according to the QoS
requests from the higher layers specified by the HMQoS parameters. The MAC
sublayer is also responsible for forwarding mechanisms, power conservation
schemes, and communication confidentiality through encryption–decryption
mechanisms. Because of the absence of an infrastructure, the forwarding
mechanism is needed to allow the physical extension of HIPERLAN/1 to go
beyond the radio range of a single station. Topology-related data are exchanged
between the nodes periodically with the help of special packets, for the purpose
of forwarding. In order to guarantee a time-bound service, the HM protocol data
unit (HMPDU)selected for channel access has to reflect the user priority and the
residual lifetime of the packet (the time remaining for the packet to expire).The
MAC layer computes the channel access priority for each of the PDUs
following a mapping from the MAC priority to the channel access
mechanism(CAM) priority. One among those PDUs which has the highest
CAM priority and the least residual time will be selected for access to the
The CAC Sublayer
The CAC sublayer offers a connectionless data service to the MAC sublayer.
The MAC layer uses this service to specify a priority (called the CAM
priority)which is the QoS parameter for the CAC layer. This is crucial in the
resolution of contention in the CAM.EY-NPMA After a packet with an associated
CAM priority has been chosen in the CAC sublayer for transmission, the next
phase is to compete with packets of other nodes for channel access. The channel
access mechanism is a dynamic, listen-and-then-talk protocol that is very
similar to the CSMA/CA used in 802.11 and is called the elimination yield non
pre-emptive multiple access (EYNPMA) mechanism. Figure 1.5 shows the
operation of the EY-NPMA mechanism in which the nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 have
packets to be sent to the AP. The CAM priority for nodes 2 and 4 is higher with
priority 2 followed by node 3with priority 3, and node 1 with the least priority
of 4. The prioritization phase will have k slots where k (can vary from 1 to 5
with k 1 having higher priority than k) refers to the number of priority levels.
Figure 1.5. The operation of EY-NPMA.

The entire process of channel access occurs in the form of channel access
cycles. A synchronization interval occurs after the end of every such cycle. This
access cycle is comprised of three phases: prioritization, contention, and
1. Prioritization: This phase culls out nodes with packets of the highest CAM
priority and lets them participate in the next phase. The prioritization phase
consists of two events, namely, priority detection and priority assertion. During
the priority detection period, a node listens to the channel for a number of time
slots proportional to the CAM priority assigned to the packet that the node
wants to send. In Figure 1.5, the nodes 2 and 4 wait for one slot and assert their
priority in the second slot as they hold packets with higher priority, and nodes 3
and 1 wait for slots equal to their priority level. By listening to the channel,
nodes 3 and 1detect the existence of other nodes with higher priority and hence
leave the prioritization phase. If a low-priority node has succeeded in waiting up
to this slot, it enters the priority assertion period during which it sends a burst,
signaling its selection to the next stage. In this process, the node(s) with the
highest CAM priority will finish the prioritization phase first and hence will be
selected for the next phase.
2. Contention: This phase is to eliminate as many nodes as possible, in order to
minimize the collision rate during transmission. This phase extends to a
maximum of 13 slots, each of the same width as that of the slots in the
prioritization phase. In this phase, the nodes that transmitted a burst in the
previous phase, resolve access to the channel by contention. This phase consists
of two sub-phases, namely, the elimination phase and the yield phase. Nodes in
this phase (nodes 2 and 4 in Figure 1.5) get to transmit a burst for a
geometrically distributed number of time slots the probability of a node's
transmission extending to a slot length of k slots(where k < 12 slots) is 0.5
k+1] which is then followed by a sensing period of 1 slot. During this period, if a
node detects another node's burst, it stops the contention process (node 2 in
Figure 1.5). This period during which each contending node will have to listen
to the channel for a slot duration is called the elimination survival identification
interval. If the channel is sensed idle during this interval, the node reaches the
yield phase. This period is also called elimination survival verification. This
ensures that the node(s) which sent the elimination burst for the maximum
number of slots will be chosen for the next phase. The next phase is the yield
phase which complements the elimination phase; it involves each node listening
to the channel for a number of time slots (up to a maximum of 15 slots, each
with duration of the slot duration in the prioritization phase).This is in fact
similar to the back-off state in which the probability of backing off for k slots is
0.1 × 0.9k
. If the channel is sensed to be idle during these slots, the node is said
to be eligible for transmission. The node that waits for the shorter number of
slots initiates transmission and other nodes defer their access to the next cycle to
begin the process a fresh.
3. Transmission: This is the final stage in the channel access where the
transmission of the selected packet takes place. During this phase, the successful
delivery of a data packet is acknowledged with an ACK packet. The
performance of EY-NPMA protocol suffers from major factors such as packet
length, number of nodes, and the presence of hidden terminals. The efficiency
of this access scheme varies from 8% to 83% with variation of packet sizes from
50 bytes to 2 Kbytes. The above-described channel access takes place during
what is known as the channel synchronization condition. The other two
conditions during which channel access can take place are
(a) the channel free condition, when the node senses the channel free for some
amount of time and then gains access, and
(b) the hidden terminal condition, when a node is eliminated from contention,
but still does not sense any data transmission, indicating the presence of a
hidden node.
Power Conservation Issues
The HIPERLAN/1 standard has suggested power conservation schemes at both
the MAC and the physical layers. At the MAC level, the standard suggests
awake/sleep modes similar to the DFWMAC in IEEE 802.11. Two roles defined
for the nodes are the p-savers (nodes that want to implement the function) and
the p-supporters (neighbors to the p-saver that are deputized to aid the latter's
power conservation). The psaver can receive packets only at predetermined time
intervals and is active only during those intervals, in the process saving power.
At the physical level, a framing scheme has been adopted to conserve power.
The physical burst is divided into High Bit Rate (HBR) and Low Bit Rate
(LBR)bursts. The difference between the two bursts lies in the keying
mechanisms employed for them – the HBR burst is based on Gaussian
Minimum Shift Keying(GMSK) that yields a higher bit rate, but consumes more
power than Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) used for the LBR bursts. The LBR
burst contains the destination address of the frame and precedes the HBR burst.
Any node receiving a packet, first reads the LBR burst. The node will read the
HBR burst only if it is the destination for that frame. Otherwise, the burst is
simply ignored, thereby saving the power needed to read the HBR burst.
Failure of HIPERLAN/1
In spite of the high data rate that it promised, HIPERLAN/1 standard has always
been considered unsuccessful. This is because IEEE Ethernet had been
prevalent and hence, for its wireless counterpart too, everybody turned toward
IEEE, which came out with its IEEE 802.11 standard. As a result, hardly any
manufacturer adopted the HIPERLAN/1 standard for product development.
However, the standard is still studied for the stability it provides and for the fact
that many of the principles followed have been adopted in the otherstandards.
1.4.2 HIPERLAN/2 
 The IEEE 802.11 standard offers data rates of 1 Mbps
while the newer standard IEEE802.11a offers rates up to 54 Mbps. However,
there was a necessity to support QoS, handoff (the process of transferring an
MT from one channel/AP to another), and data integrity in order to satisfy the
requirements of wireless LANs. This demand was the motivation behind the
emergence of HIPERLAN/2. The standard has become very popular owing to
the significant support it has received from cellular manufacturers such as Nokia
and Ericsson. The HIPERLAN/2 tries to integrate WLANs into the next
generation cellular systems. It aims at converging IP and ATM type services at a
high data rate of 54 Mbps for indoor and outdoor applications. The
HIPERLAN/2, an ATM compatible WLAN, is a connection-oriented system,
which uses fixed size packets and enables QoS applications easy to implement.
The HIPERLAN/2 network has a typical topology as shown in Figure 1.6. The
figure shows MTs being centrally controlled by the APs which are in turn
connected to the core network (infrastructure-based network). It is to be noted
that, unlike the IEEE standards, the core network for HIPERLAN/2 is not just
restricted to Ethernet. Also, the AP used in HIPERLAN/2 consists of one or
many transceivers called Access Point Transceivers (APTs) which are
controlled by a single Access Point Controller (APC).
Figure 1.6. A typical deployment of HIPERLAN/2. 
There are two modes of communication in a HIPERLAN/2 network, which are
described by the following two environments:
Business environment: The ad hoc architecture of HIPERLAN/1 has been
extended to support a centralized mode of communication using APs. This
topology corresponds to business environments. Accordingly, each AP serves a
number of MTs.
Home environment: The home environment enables a direct mode of
communication between the MTs. This corresponds to an ad hoc architecture
that can be operated in a plug-and-play manner. The direct mode of
communication is, however, managed by a central control entity elected from
among the nodes called the central controller (CC).There are several features of
HIPERLAN/2 that have attracted many a cellular manufacturer. These features
are part of the discussion on the protocol stack of HIPERLAN/2 below. The
HIPERLAN/2 protocol stack consists of the physical layer, convergence layer
(CL), and the data link control (DLC) layer
The Physical Layer
The physical layer is responsible for the conversion of the PDU train from the
DLC layer to physical bursts that are suitable for radio transmission.
HIPERLAN/2, like IEEE 802.11a, uses OFDM for transmission. The
HIPERLAN/2 allows bit rates from 6 Mbps to 54 Mbps using a scheme called
link adaptation. This scheme allows the selection of a suitable modulation
method for the required bit rate. This scheme is unique to HIPERLAN/2 and is
not available in the IEEE standards and HIPERLAN/1. More details on the
physical layer can be found in.
The CL
The topmost layer in the HIPERLAN/2 protocol stack is the CL. The functions
of the layer are to adapt the requirements of the different higher layers of the
core network with the services provided by the lower layers of HIPERLAN/2,
and to convert the higher layer packets into ones of fixed size that can be used
by the lower layers. A CL is defined for every type of core network supported.
In short, this layer is responsible for the network-independent feature of
HIPERLAN/2. The CL is classified into two types, namely, the packet-based
CL and the cell based CL. The packet-based CL processes variable-length
packets (such as IEEE 802.3, IP, and IEEE 1394). The cell-based CL processes
fixed sized ATM cells. The CL has two sublayers, namely, the common part
(CP) and the service-specific convergence sublayer (SSCS). The CP is
independent of the core network. It allows parallel segmentation and reassembly
of packets. The CP comprises of two sublayers, namely, the common part
convergence sublayer (CPCS) and the segmentation and reassembly (SAR)
sublayer. The CPCS processes the packets from the higher layer and adds
padding and additional information, so as to be segmented in the SAR. For
further information on the CP, readers are referred to. The SSCS consists of
functions that are specific to the core network. For example, the Ethernet SSCS
has been standardized in for Ethernet core networks. The SSCS adapts the
different data formats to the HIPERLAN/2 DLC format. It is also responsible
for mapping the QoS requests of the higher layers to the QoS parameters of
HIPERLAN/2 such as data rate, delay, and jitter.
The DLC Layer
The DLC layer constitutes the logical link between the AP and the MTs. This
ensures a connection-oriented communication in a HIPERLAN/2 network, in
contrast to the connectionless service offered by the IEEE standards. The DLC
layer is organized into three functional units, namely, the Radio Link Control
(RLC) sublayer on the control plane, the error control (EC) sublayer on the user
plane, and the MAC sublayer.
The RLC Sublayer
The RLC sublayer takes care of most of the control procedures on the DLC
layer. The tasks of the RLC can be summarized as follows.
Association Control Function (ACF): The ACF handles the registration and
the authentication functions of an MT with an AP within a radio cell. Only after
the ACF procedure has been carried out can the MT ever communicate with the
DLC user Connection Control (DCC): The DCC function is used to control
DLC user connections. It can set up new connections, modify existing
connections, and terminate connections.
Radio Resource Control (RRC): The RRC is responsible for the surveillance
and efficient utilization of the available frequency resources.
It performs the following tasks:
Dynamic frequency selection: This function is not available in IEEE 802.11,
IEEE 802.11a, IEEE802.11b, and HIPERLAN/1, and is thus unique to
HIPERLAN/2. It allows the AP to select a channel (frequency) for
communication with the MTs depending on the interferences in each channel,
thereby aiding in the efficient utilization of the available frequencies.
Handoff: HIPERLAN/2 supports three types of handoff, namely, sector
handoff(moving to another sector of the same antenna of an APT), radio
handoff(handoff between two APTs under the same APC), and network
handoff(handoff between two APs in the same network).

Power saving: Power-saving schemes much similar to those in
HIPERLAN/1and IEEE 802.11 have been implemented.
Error Control (EC) 
Selective repeat (where only the specific damaged or lost frame is
retransmitted)protocol is used for controlling the errors across the medium. To
support QoS for stringent and delay-critical applications, a discard mechanism
can be provided by specifying a maximum delay.
The MAC Sublayer
The MAC protocol is used for access to the medium, resulting in the
transmission of data through that channel. However, unlike the IEEE standards
and the HIPERLAN/1 in which channel access is made by sensing it, the MAC
protocol follows a dynamic time division multiple access/time division
duplexing (TDMA/TDD) scheme with centralized control. The protocol
supports both AP-MT unicast and multicast transfer, and at the same time MT
MT peer-to-peer communication. The centralized AP scheduling provides QoS
support and collision-free transmission. The MAC protocol provides a
connection-oriented communication between the AP and the MT (or between
Security Issues
Elaborate security mechanisms exist in the HIPERLAN/2 system. The
encryption procedure is optional and can be selected by the MT during
association. Two strong encryption algorithms are offered, namely, the Data
Encryption Standard (DES) and the triple-DES algorithms
WLAN technology enables device connectivity to infrastructure-based services
through a wireless carrier provider. However, the need for personal devices to
communicate wirelessly with one another, without an established infrastructure,
has led to the emergence of Personal Area Networks (PANs). The first attempt to
define a standard for PANs dates back to Ericsson's Bluetooth projectin 1994 to
enable communication between mobile phones using low power and low-cost
radio interfaces. In May 1998, several companies such as Intel, IBM, Nokia, and
Toshiba joined Ericsson to form the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG)
whose aim was to develop a de facto standard for PANs. Recently, IEEE has
approved a Bluetooth-based standard (IEEE 802.15.1) for wireless personal area
networks (WPANs). The standard covers only the MAC and the physical layers
while the Bluetooth specification details the whole protocol stack. Bluetooth
employs radio frequency (RF) technology for communication. It makes use of
frequency modulation to generate radio waves in the ISM band. Low power
consumption of Bluetooth technology and an offered range of up to ten meters
has paved the way for several usage models. One can have an interactive
conference by establishing an ad hoc network of laptops. Cordless computer,
instant postcard [sending digital photographs instantly (a camera is cordlessly
connected to a mobile phone)], and three-in-one phone [the same phone
functions as an intercom (at the office, no telephone charge), cordless phone (at
home, a fixed-line charge), and mobile phone (on the move, a cellular charge)]
are other indicative usage models.
1.5.1 Bluetooth Specifications
The Bluetooth specification consists of two parts: core and profiles. The core
provides a common data link and physical layer to application protocols, and
maximizes reusability of existing higher layer protocols. The profiles
specifications classify Bluetooth applications into thirteen types. The protocol
stack of Bluetooth performs the functions of locating devices, connecting other
devices, and exchanging data. It is logically partitioned into three layers,
namely, the transport protocol group, the middleware protocol group, and the
application group. The transport protocol group consists of the radio layer,
baseband layer, link manager layer, logical link control and adaptation layer,
and the host controller interface. The middleware protocol group comprises of
RFCOMM, SDP, and IrDA (IrOBEX and IrMC). The application group consists
of applications (profiles) using Bluetooth wireless links, such as the modem
dialer and the Web-browsing client.
Figure1.7 shows the protocol stack of Bluetooth.
Figure 1.7. Bluetooth protocol stack.

1.5.2 Transport Protocol Group This group is composed of the protocols
designed to allow Bluetooth devices to locate each other and to create,
configure, and manage the wireless links. Design of various protocols and
techniques used in Bluetooth communications has been done with the target of
low power consumption and ease of operation. This shall become evident in the
design choice of FHSS and the master–slave architecture. The following
sections study the various protocols in this group, their purpose, their modes of
operation, and other specifications.
Radio (Physical) Layer
The radio part of the specification deals with the characteristics of the
transceivers and design specifications such as frequency accuracy, channel
interference, and modulation characteristics. The Bluetooth system operates in
the globally available ISM frequency band and the frequency modulation is
GFSK. It supports 64 Kbps voice channels and asynchronous data channels with
a peak rate of 1 Mbps. The data channels are either asymmetric (in one
direction) or symmetric (in both directions). The Bluetooth transceiver is a
FHSS system operating over a set of m channels each of width 1 MHz. In most
of the countries, the value of m is 79. Frequency hopping is used and hopsare
made at a rapid rate across the possible 79 hops in the band, starting at 2.4GHz
and stopping at 2.480 GHz. The choice of frequency hopping has been made to
provide protection against interference. The Bluetooth air interface is based on a
nominal antenna power of 0 dBm (1mW) with extensions for operating at up to
20 dBm (100 mW) worldwide. The nominal link range is from 10 centimetres to
10 meters, but can be extended to more than 100 meters by increasing the
transmit power (using the 20 dBm option). It should be noted here that a WLAN
cannot use an antenna power of less than 0 dBm (1 mW) and hence an 802.11
solution might not be apt for power-constrained devices.
Baseband Layer
The key functions of this layer are frequency hop selection, connection creation,
and medium access control. Bluetooth communication takes place by adhoc
creation of a network called a piconet. The address and the clock associated
with each Bluetooth device are the two fundamental elements governing the
formation of a piconet. Every device is assigned a single 48-bit address which is
similar to the addresses of IEEE 802.xx LAN devices. The address field is
partitioned into three parts and the lower address part (LAP) is used in several
baseband operations such as piconet identification, error checking, and security
checks. The remaining two parts are proprietary addresses of the manufacturing
organizations. LAP is assigned internally by each organization. Every device
also has a 28-bit clock (called the native clock) that ticks 3,200 times per second
or once every 312.5 μs. It should be noted that this is twice the normal hopping
rate of 1,600 hops per second.
The initiator for the formation of the network assumes the role of the master (of
the piconet). All the other members are termed as slaves of the piconet. A
piconet can have up to seven active slaves at any instant. For the purpose of
identification, each active slave of the piconet is assigned a locally unique active
member address AM_ADDR. Other devices could also be part of the piconet by
being in the parked mode (explained later). A Bluetooth device not associated
with any piconet is said to be in standby mode. Figure 1.8 shows a piconet with
several devices.
Figure 1.8. A typical piconet.

Operational States
Figure 1.9 shows the state diagram of Bluetooth communications. Initially, all
the devices would be in the standby mode. Then some device (called the
master)could begin the inquiry and get to know the nearby devices and, if
needed, join them into its piconet. After the inquiry, the device could formally
be joined by paging, which is a packet-exchange process between the master
and a prospective slave to inform the slave of the master's clock. If the device
was already inquired, the master could get into the page state bypassing the
inquiry state. Once the device finishes getting paged, it enters the connected
state. This state has three power-conserving sub-states – hold, sniff, and park
(described later in this section). A device in the connected state can participate
in the data transmission.
Figure 1.9. Operational states.

Frequency Hopping Sequences
It is evident (in any wireless communication) that the sender and the receiver
should use the same frequency for communication to take place. A Frequency
Selection Module (FSM) is present in each device to select the next frequency
to be used under various circumstances. In the connected state, the clock and the
address of the device (master) completely determine the hopping sequence.
Different combination of inputs (clock, address) are used depending on the
operational state. During the inquiry operation, the address input to FSM is a
common inquiry address. This common address is needed because at the time of
inquiry no device has information about the hopping sequence being followed.
The address of the paged device is fed as input to the FSM for the paging state.
Communication Channel
The channel is divided into time slots, each 625 μs in length. The time slots are
numbered according to the Bluetooth clock of the piconet master. A time
division duplex (TDD) scheme is used where master and slave alternately
transmit. The master starts its transmission in even-numbered time slots only,
and the slave starts its transmission in odd-numbered time slots only. This is
clearly illustrated in Figure 1.10 (a). The packet start shall be aligned with the
slot start. A Bluetooth device would determine slot parity by looking at the least
significant bit (LSB) in the bit representation of its clock. IfLSB is set to 1, it is
the possible transmission slot for the slave. A slave in normal circumstances is
allowed to transmit only if in the preceding slot it has received a packet from the
master. A slave should know the master's clock and address to determine the
next frequency (from the FSM). This information is exchanged during paging.
Figure 1.10. Transmission of packets over a channel.

Packet-Based Communication
Bluetooth uses packet-based communication where the data to be transmitted is
fragmented into packets. Only a single packet can be transmitted in each slot. A
typical packet used in these communications has three components: access code,
header, and payload. The main component of the access code is the address of
the piconet master. All packets exchanged on the channel are identified by the
master's identity. The packet will be accepted by the recipient only if the access
code matches the access code corresponding to the piconet master. This also
helps in resolving conflicts in the case where two piconets are operating
currently on the same frequency. A slave receiving two packets in the same slot
can identify its packet by examining the access code. The packet header
contains many fields such as a three-bit active slave address, a one-bit
ACK/NACK for ARQ scheme [Automatic Repeat reQuest — anytime an error
is detected, a negative acknowledgment (NACK) is returned and the specified
frames are retransmitted], a four-bit packet type to distinguish payload types,
and an eight-bit header error check code to detect errors in the header.
Depending on the payload size, one, three, or five slots may be used for the
packet transmission. The hop frequency which is used for the first slot is used
for the remainder of the packet. While transmitting packets in multiple slots, it
is important that the frequencies used in the following time slots are those that
are assigned to those slots, and that they do not follow the frequency sequence
that should have normally applied. This is illustrated in Figure 1.10 (b). When a
device uses five slots for packet transmission, the next packet transmission is
allowed in F(k+6) and not in F(k+2). Also note that the receiving time slot
becomes F(k+5) as opposed to F(k+1). On this slotted channel, both
synchronous and asynchronous links are supported. Between a master and a
slave there is a single asynchronous connectionless link(ACL) supported. This
is the default link that would exist once a link is established between a master
and a slave. Whenever a master would like to communicate, it would, and then
the slave would respond. Optionally, a piconet may also support synchronous
connection oriented (SCO) links. SCO link is symmetric between master and
slave with reserved bandwidth and regular periodic exchange of data in the form
of reserved slots. These links are essential and useful for high-priority and time
bound information such as audio and video.
Inquiry State
As shown in Figure 1.9, a device which is initially in the standby state enters the
inquiry state. As its name suggests, the sole purpose of this state is to collect
information about other Bluetooth devices in its vicinity. This information
includes the Bluetooth address and the clock value, as these form the crux of the
communication between the devices. This state is classified into three substates:
inquiry, inquiry scan, and inquiry response. A potential master sends an inquiry
packet in the inquiry state on the inquiry hop sequence of frequencies. This
sequence is determined by feeding a common address as one of the inputs to the
FSM. A device (slave) that wants to be discovered will periodically enter the
inquiry scan state and listen for these inquiry packets. When an inquiry message
is received in the inquiry scan state, a response packet called the Frequency
Hopping Sequence (FHS) containing the responding device address must be
sent. Devices respond after a random jitter to reduce the chances of collisions.
Page State
A device enters this state to invite other devices to join its piconet. A device
could invite only the devices known to itself. So normally the inquiry operation
would precede this state. This state also is classified into three sub-states: page,
page scan, and page response. In the page mode, the master estimates the slave's
clock based on the information received during the inquiry state, to determine
where in the hop sequence the slave might be listening in the page scan mode.
In order to account for inaccuracies in estimation, the master also transmits the
 page message through frequencies immediately preceding and succeeding the
estimated one. On receiving the page message, the slave enters the slave page
response substate. It sends back a page response consisting of its ID packet
which contains its Device Access Code (DAC). Finally, the master (after
receiving the response from a slave) enters the page response state and informs
the slave about its clock and address so that the slave can go ahead and
participate in the piconet. The slave now calculates an offset to synchronize
with the master clock, and uses that to determine the hopping sequence for
communication in the piconet.
Scatternets and Issues
Piconets may overlap both spatially and temporally, that is, many piconets could
operate in the same area at the same time. Each piconet is characterized by a
unique master and hence the piconets hop independently, each with its own
channel hopping sequence as determined by the respective master. In addition,
the packets carried on the channels are preceded by different channel access
codes as determined by the addresses of the master devices. As more piconets
are added, the probability of collisions increases, and a degradation in
performance results, as is common in FHSS systems. In this scenario, a device
can participate in two or more overlaying piconets by the process of time
sharing. To participate on the proper channel, it should use the associated master
device address and proper clock offset. A Bluetooth unit can act as a slave in
several piconets, but as a master in only a single piconet. A group of piconets in
which connections exist between different piconets is called a scatternet (Figure
Figure 1.11. A typical scatternet.

When a device changes its role and takes part in different piconets, it is bound to
lead to a situation in which some slots remain unused (for synchronization).This
implies that complete utilization of the available bandwidth is not achieved. An
interesting proposition at this juncture would be to unite the timings of the
whole of the scatternet. But this may lead to an increase in the probability of
packets colliding. Another important issue is the timing that a device would be
missing by participating in more than one piconet. A master that is missing from
a piconet (by momentarily becoming a slave in another piconet) may miss
polling slaves and must ensure that it does not miss beacons from its slaves.
Similarly, a slave(by becoming a master or slave in another piconet) that is
missing from a piconet could appear to its master to have gone out of range or to
be connected through a poor-quality link.
Link Manager Protocol
Link manager protocol (LMP) is responsible for setting and maintaining the
properties of the Bluetooth link. Currently, the major functionality of this layer
is power management and security management. It also provides minimal QoS
support by allowing control over parameters such as delay and delay jitter.
Normally, a paging device is the default master of the piconet, but, depending
on the usage scenario, the roles of the master and a slave could be switched and
this is coordinated by exchange of LMP packets.
Power Management
The Bluetooth units can be in several modes of operation during the connection
state, namely, active mode, sniff mode, hold mode, and park mode. These
modes are now described.
Active mode: In this mode, the Bluetooth unit actively participates in the
piconet. Various optimizations are provided to save power. For instance, if the
master informs the slave when it will be addressed, the slave may sleep until
then. The active slaves are polled by the master for transmissions.
Sniff mode: This is a low-power mode in which the listening activity of the
slave is reduced. The LMP in the master issues a command to the slave to enter
the sniff mode, giving it a sniff interval, and the slave listens for transmissions
only at these fixed intervals.
Hold mode: In this mode, the slave temporarily does not support ACL packets
on the channel (possible SCO links will still be supported). In this mode,
capacity is made available for performing other functions such as scanning,
paging, inquiring, or attending another piconet.
Park mode: This is a very low-power mode. The slave gives up its active
member address and is given an eight-bit parked member address. The slave,
however, stays synchronized to the channel. Any messages to be sent to a
parked member are sent over the broadcast channel characterized by an active
member address of all zeros. Apart from saving power, the park mode helps the
master to have more than seven slaves (limited by the three-bit active member
address space) in the piconet.
Bluetooth Security
In Bluetooth communications, devices may be authenticated and links may be
encrypted. The authentication of devices is carried out by means of a challenge
response mechanism which is based on a commonly shared secret link key
generated through a user-provided personal identification number (PIN). The
authentication starts with the transmission of an LMP challenge packet and ends
with the verification of result returned by the claimant. Optionally, the link
between them could also be encrypted.
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)
This is the protocol with which most applications would interact unless a host
controller is used. L2CAP supports protocol multiplexing to give the abstraction
to each of the several applications running in the higher layers as if it alone is
being run. Since the data packets defined by the baseband protocol are limited in
size, L2CAP also segments large packets from higher layers such as RFCOMM
or SDP into multiple smaller packets prior to their transmission over the
channel. Similarly, multiple received baseband packets may be reassembled into
a single larger L2CAP packet. This protocol provides QoS on certain parameters
such as peak bandwidth, latency, and delay variation when the link is
established between two Bluetooth units.
Host Controller Interface
This is the optional interface layer, provided between the higher (above LMP)
and lower layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack, for accessing the Bluetooth
hardware capabilities. Whenever the higher layers are implemented on the
motherboard of a host device, this layer is needed. Such an approach could
prove beneficial as the spare capacity of the host device (say, a personal
computer) could be utilized. The specification defines details such as the
different packet types as seen by this layer. Command packets that are used by
the host to control the device, event packets that are used by the device to
inform the host of the changes, and data packets come under this category.
2.5.3 Middleware Protocol Group
The basic functionality of the middleware protocol group is to present to the
application layers a standard interface that may be used for communicating
across the transport layer, that is, the applications need not know the transport
layer's complexities, they can just use the application programming
interfaces(APIs) or higher level functions provided by the middleware
protocols. This group consists of the RFCOMM layer, service discovery
protocol (SDP), IrDA interoperability protocols, telephony control specification
(TCS), and audio. The RFCOMM layer presents a virtual serial port to
applications using the serial interface. Any application which is using the serial
port can work seamlessly on Bluetooth devices. RFCOMM uses an L2CAP
connection to establish a link between two devices. In the case of Bluetooth
devices, there is no device which will be static and hence services offered by the
other devices have to be discovered. This is achieved by using the service
discovery protocol (SDP) of the Bluetooth protocol stack. Service discovery
makes the device self configured without manual intervention. The IrDA
interoperability protocol is not for communication between Bluetooth devices
and Infrared devices. It is only for the existing IrDA applications to work on
Bluetooth devices without any changes. The main protocols in the IrDA set are
IrOBEX (IrDA object exchange) for exchanging objects between two devices
and IrMC (infrared mobile communications) for synchronization. Audio is the
distinguishing part of Bluetooth. Audio is given the highest priority and is
directly carried over the baseband at 64 Kbps so that a very good quality of
voice is provided. Another important point to note here is that audio is actually
not a layer of the protocol stack, but only a specific packet format that can be
transmitted directly over the SCO links of the baseband layer. Telephony
control is implemented using the telephony control specification –binary (TCS
BIN) protocol. TCS defines three major functional areas: call control, group
management, and connectionless TCS. Call control is used to setup calls which
can be subsequently used to carry voice and data traffic. TCS operates in both
point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations. One of the main concepts
of TCS is that of the wireless user group (WUG). Group management enables
multiple telephone extensions, call forwarding, and group calls. For example,
consider multiple handsets and a single base set. When a call comes in to the
base set, all the multiple handsets can receive this call. In a similar fashion, calls
can also be forwarded. The functionalities of TCS include configuration
distribution and fastintermember access. Configuration distribution is the
mechanism used to find the information about the other members in a group.
Fast inter member access is a method for two slaves to create a new piconet.
AWUG member uses the information from the configuration distribution and
determines another member which it wants to contact. Then it sends the device's
information to the master, which forwards it to this device. The contacted device
then responds with its device address and clock information and places itself in
a page scan state. Then the master contacts the device initiating the
communication. This device now pages the contacted device and forms a new
piconet. This explains how a new piconet is formed between two slaves with the
help of the master. In all the above cases, a connection-oriented channel is
established. To exchange simple information such as adjusting volume or
signaling information, establishing such a channel is overkill and hence
connectionless TCS has been provided for having a connectionless channel.
1.5.4 Bluetooth Profiles
These profiles have been developed to promote interoperability among the many
implementations of the Bluetooth protocol stack. Each Bluetooth profile
specification has been defined to provide a clear and transparent standard that
can be used to implement a specific user end function. Two Bluetooth devices
can achieve a common functionality only if both devices support identical
profiles. For example, a cellular phone and a headset both have to support the
Bluetooth headset profile for the headset to work with the phone. The Bluetooth
profiles spring up from the usage models. In all, 13 profiles have been listed and
these can be broadly classified into the following four categories:
1. Generic profiles: The Generic access profile, which is not really an
application, provides a way to establish and maintain secure links between the
master and the slaves. The service discovery profile enables users to access SDP
to find out which applications (Bluetooth services)are supported by a specific
2. Telephony profiles: The cordless telephony profile is designed for three in
one phones. The Intercom profile supports two-way voice communication
between two Bluetooth devices within range of each other. The Headset profile
specifies how Bluetooth can provide a wireless connection to a headset (with
earphones/microphones) for use with a computer or a mobile phone.
3. Networking profiles: The LAN Access profile enables Bluetooth devices to
either connect to a LAN through APs or form a small wireless LAN among
themselves. The dial-up networking profile is designed to provide dial-up
connections via Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. The FAX profile, very
similar to the dial-up networking profile, enables computers to send and receive
faxes via a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone.
4. Serial and object exchange profiles: The serial port profile emulates a serial
line (RS232 and USB serial ports) for (legacy) applications that require a serial
line. The other profiles, generic object exchange, object push, file transfer, and
synchronization, are for exchanging objects between two wireless devices.
Bluetooth is the first wireless technology which has actually tried to attempt to
make all the household consumer electronics devices follow one particular
communication paradigm. It has been partially successful, but it does have its
limitations. Bluetooth communication currently does not provide support for
routing. It should be noted that some research efforts are under way to
accommodate this in the Bluetooth specification. Once the routing provision is
given, inter-piconet communication could be enhanced. The issues of handoffs
also have not yet been dealt with till now. Although master–slave architecture
has aided low cost, the master becomes the bottleneck for the whole piconet in
terms of performance, fault tolerance, and bandwidth utilization. Most
importantly, Bluetooth communication takes place in the same frequency band
as that of WLAN and hence robust coexistence solutions need to be developed
to avoid interference. The technology is still under development. Currently,
there are nearly 1,800 adopter companies which are contributing toward the
development of the technology.
Wireless home networking represents the use of the radio frequency
(RF)spectrum to transmit voice and data in confined areas such as homes and
small offices. One of the visionary concepts that home networking intends to
achieve is the establishment of communication between home appliances such
as computers, TVs, telephones, refrigerators, and air conditioners. Wireless
home networks have an edge over their wired counterparts because features
such as flexibility (enabling of file and drive sharing) and interoperability that
exist in the wired networks are coupled with those in the wireless domain,
namely, simplicity of installation and mobility. The HIPERLAN/2, as
mentioned earlier, has provisions for direct communication between the mobile
terminals (the home environment). The home environment enables election of a
central controller (CC) which coordinates the communication process. This
environment is helpful in setting up home networks. Apart from this, an industry
consortium known as the Home RF Working Group has developed a technology
that is termed HomeRF. This technology intends to integrate devices used in
homes into a single network and utilize RF links for communication. HomeRF
is a strong competitor to Bluetooth as it operates in the ISM band.
Technical Features The HomeRF provides data rates of 1.6 Mbps, a little
higher than the Bluetooth rate, supporting both infrastructure-based and ad hoc
communications. It provides a guaranteed QoS delivery to voice-only devices
and best-effort delivery for data-only devices. The devices need to be plug-and
play enabled; this needs automatic device discovery and identification in the
network. Atypical HomeRF network consists of resource providers (through
which communication to various resources such as the cable modem and phone
lines is effected), and the devices connected to them (such as the cordless
phone, printers, and file servers). The HomeRF technology follows a protocol
called the shared wireless access protocol (SWAP). The protocol is used to set
up a network that provides access to a public network telephone, the Internet
(data), entertainment networks (cable television, digital audio, and video),
transfer and sharing of data resources (such as disks and printers), and home
control and automation. The SWAP has been derived from the IEEE 802.11 and
the European digitally enhanced cordless telephony (DECT) standards. It
employs a hybrid TDMA/CSMA scheme for channel access. While TDMA
handles isochronous transmission (similar to synchronous transmission,
isochronous transmission is also used for multimedia communication where
both the schemes have stringent timing constraints, but isochronous
transmission is not as rigid as synchronous transmission in which data streams
are delivered only at specific intervals), CSMA supports asynchronous
transmission (in a manner similar to that of the IEEE 802.11 standard), thereby
making the actual framing structure more complex. The SWAP, however,
differs from the IEEE 802.11specification by not having the RTS-CTS
handshake since it is more economical to do away with the expensive
handshake; moreover, the hidden terminal problem does not pose a serious
threat in the case of small-scale networks such as the home networks. The
SWAP can support up to 127 devices, each identified uniquely by a 48-
bitnetwork identifier. The supported devices can fall into one (or more) of the
following four basic types:
• Connection point that provides a gateway to the public switched telephone
network (PSTN), hence supporting voice and data services.
• Asynchronous data node that uses the CSMA/CA mechanism to communicate
with other nodes.
• Voice node that uses TDMA for communication.
• Voice and data node that can use both CSMA/CA and TDMA for channel
access. Home networking also needs strong security measures to safeguard
against potential eavesdroppers. That is the reason why SWAP uses strong
algorithms such as Blowfish encryption. HomeRF also includes support for
optional packet compression which provides a trade-off between bandwidth and
power consumption. Because of its complex (hybrid) MAC and higher
capability physical layer, the cost of HomeRF devices is higher than that of
Bluetooth devices. HomeRF Version 2.0, released recently, offers higher data
rates (up to 10 Mbps by using wider channels in the ISM band through FHSS).
Infrared The infrared technology (IrDA) uses the infrared region of the light for
communication . Some of the characteristics of these communications are as
• The infrared rays can be blocked by obstacles, such as walls and buildings.
• The effective range of infrared communications is about one meter. But when
high power is used, it is possible to achieve better ranges.
• The power consumed by infrared devices is extremely low.
• Data rates of 4 Mbps are easily achievable using infrared communications.
• The cost of infrared devices is very low compared to that of Bluetooth devices.
Although the restriction of line of sight (LoS) is there on the infrared devices,
they are extremely popular because they are cheap and consume less power. The
infrared technology has been prevalent for a longer time than Bluetooth wireless
communications. So it has more widespread usage than Bluetooth. Table1.2
compares the technical features of Bluetooth, HomeRF, and IrDAtechnologies.
Table 1.2. Illustrative comparison among Bluetooth, HomeRF, and IrDA

 **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
In wireless communication systems, it is often desirable to allow the subscriber to
send information simultaneously from the mobile station to the base station while
receiving information from the base station to the mobile station.
A cellular system divides any given area into cells where a mobile unit in each cell
communicates with a base station. The main aim in the cellular system design is to
be able to increase the capacity of the channel, i.e., to handle as many calls as
possible in a given bandwidth with a sufficient level of quality of service.
There are several different ways to allow access to the channel. These includes
mainly the following –
Frequency division multiple-access (FDMA)
Time division multiple-access (TDMA)
Code division multiple-access (CDMA)
Space division multiple access (SDMA)
Depending on how the available bandwidth is allocated to the users, these
techniques can be classified as narrowband and wideband systems.
 Narrowband Systems
Systems operating with channels substantially narrower than the coherence
bandwidth are called as Narrow band systems. Narrow band TDMA allows users to
use the same channel but allocates a unique time slot to each user on the channel,
thus separating a small number of users in time on a single channel.
Wideband Systems
In wideband systems, the transmission bandwidth of a single channel is much larger
than the coherence bandwidth of the channel. Thus, multipath fading doesn’t greatly
affect the received signal within a wideband channel, and frequency selective fades
occur only in a small fraction of the signal bandwidth.
FDMA is the basic technology for advanced mobile phone services. The features of
FDMA are as follows.
FDMA allots a different sub-band of frequency to each different user to access the
If FDMA is not in use, the channel is left idle instead of allotting to the other users.
FDMA is implemented in Narrowband systems and it is less complex than TDMA.
Tight filtering is done here to reduce adjacent channel interference.
The base station BS and mobile station MS, transmit and receive simultaneously
and continuously in FDMA.

 FDMA is different from frequency division duplexing (FDD). 
While FDMA permits multiple users to simultaneously access a transmission system, FDD describes the way the radio channel is shared between the downlink and uplink. 
FDMA is also different from Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). FDM refers to a
physical layer method that blends and transmits low-bandwidth channels via a high
bandwidth channel. FDMA, in contrast, is a channel access technique in the data link
In the cases where continuous transmission is not required, there TDMA is used
instead of FDMA. The features of TDMA include the following. 
TDMA shares a single carrier frequency with several users where each users
makes use of non overlapping time slots.
Data transmission in TDMA is not continuous, but occurs in bursts. Hence handsoff
process is simpler.
TDMA uses different time slots for transmission and reception thus duplexers are
not required.
TDMA has an advantage that is possible to allocate different numbers of time slots
per frame to different users.
Bandwidth can be supplied on demand to different users by concatenating or
reassigning time slot based on priority.Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a digital cellular telephone communication technology. It facilitates many users to share the same frequency without interference. Its technology divides a signal into different timeslots, and increases the data carrying capacity. 

Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a complex technology, because it requires
an accurate synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver. TDMA is used
in digital mobile radio systems. The individual mobile stations cyclically assign a
frequency for the exclusive use of a time interval. 
In most of the cases, the entire system bandwidth for an interval of time is not
assigned to a station. However, the frequency of the system is divided into sub
bands, and TDMA is used for the multiple access in each sub-band. Sub-bands are
known as carrier frequencies. The mobile system that uses this technique is referred
as the multi-carrier systems

Code division multiple access technique is an example of multiple access where
several transmitters use a single channel to send information simultaneously. Its
features are as follows. 
In CDMA every user uses the full available spectrum instead of getting allotted by
separate frequency.
CDMA is much recommended for voice and data communications.
While multiple codes occupy the same channel in CDMA, the users having same
code can communicate with each other.
CDMA offers more air-space capacity than TDMA.
The hands-off between base stations is very well handled by CDMA.Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a sort of multiplexing that facilitates
various signals to occupy a single transmission channel. It optimizes the use of
available bandwidth. The technology is commonly used in ultra-high-frequency
(UHF) cellular telephone systems, bands ranging between the 800-MHz and 1.9-GHz. 
Space division multiple access or spatial division multiple access is a technique
which is MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) architecture and used mostly in
wireless and satellite communication. It has the following features.
All users can communicate at the same time using the same channel.
SDMA is completely free from interference.
A single satellite can communicate with more satellites receivers of the same
The directional spot-beam antennas are used and hence the base station in SDMA,
can track a moving user.
Controls the radiated energy for each user in space.

Space-division multiple access (SDMA) is a channel access method based on
creating parallel spatial pipes (focused signal beams) using advanced antenna
technology next to higher capacity pipes through spatial multiplexing and/or diversity,
by which it is able to offer superior performance in radio multiple access
communication systems (where multiple users may need to use the communication
media simultaneously)
In traditional mobile cellular network systems, the base station has no information on
the position of the mobile units within the cell and radiates the signal in all directions
within the cell in order to provide radio coverage. This method results in wasting
power on transmissions when there are no mobile units to reach, in addition to
causing interference for adjacent cells using the same frequency, so called co
channel cells. Likewise, in reception, the antenna receives signals coming from all
directions including noise and interference signals. 
By using smart antenna technology and differing spatial locations of mobile units within the cell, space division multiple access techniques offer attractive performance enhancements. The radiation pattern of the base station, both in transmission and reception, is adapted
to each user to obtain highest gain in the direction of that user. This is often done
using phased array techniques.
                                    SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATION 
Initially developed for military applications during II world war, that was less sensitive
to intentional interference or jamming by third parties. Spread spectrum technology has
blossomed into one of the fundamental building blocks in current and next-generation
wireless systems.
Problem of radio transmission
Narrow band can be wiped out due to interference. To disrupt the communication,
the adversary needs to do two things,
(a) to detect that a transmission is taking place and
(b) to transmit a jamming signal which is designed to confuse the receiver.
A spread spectrum system is therefore designed to make these tasks as difficult
as possible.
        Firstly, the transmitted signal should be difficult to detect by an adversary/jammer,
i.e., the signal should have a low probabilityof intercept (LPI).
        Secondly, the signal should be difficult to disturb with a jamming signal, i.e., the
transmitted signal should possess an anti-jamming (AJ) property
spread the narrow band signal into a broad band to protect against
In a digital communication system the primary resources are Bandwidth and
Power. The study of digital communication system deals with efficient utilization of
these two resources, but there are situations where it is necessary to sacrifice their
efficient utilization in order to meet certain other design objectives.
For example to provide a form of secure communication (i.e. the transmitted
signal is not easily detected or recognized by unwanted listeners) the bandwidth of the
transmitted signal is increased in excess of the minimum bandwidth necessary to
transmit it. This requirement is catered by a technique known as “Spread Spectrum
The primary advantage of a Spread – Spectrum communication system is its
ability to reject ‘Interference’ whether it be the unintentional or the intentional
The definition of Spread – Spectrum modulation may be stated in two parts.
1. Spread Spectrum is a mean of transmission in which the data sequence
occupies a BW (Bandwidth) in excess of the minimum BW necessary to transmit it.
2. The Spectrum Spreading is accomplished before transmission through the use of
a code that is independent of the data sequence. The Same code is used in the receiver to despread the received signal so that the original data sequence may be recovered. 

Fig. Block diagram for spread spectrum communication 

Fig: Spread spectrum technique
b(t) = Data Sequence to be transmitted (Narrow Band);
c(t) = Wide Band code ;
s(t) = c(t) * b(t) – (wide Band) 

Fig: Spectrum of signal before & after spreading 
Generation of PN sequence:

Fig: Maximum-length sequence generator for n=3 
A feedback shift register is said to be Linear when the feedback logic consists of
entirely mod-2-address (Ex-or gates). In such a case, the zero state is not permitted.
The period of a PN sequence produced by a linear feedback shift register with ‘n’ flip
flops cannot exceed 2^n-1. 
When the period is exactly 2^n-1, the PN sequence is called a ‘maximum length
sequence’ or ‘m-sequence’..
Example1: Consider the linear feedback shift register shown in above figure
Involve three flip-flops. The input so is equal to the mod-2 sum of S1 and S3. If
the initial state of the shift register is 100. Then the succession of states will be as
100,110,011,011,101,010,001,100 . . . . . .
The output sequence (output S3) istherefore. 00111010..........Which repeats itself with
period 23–1 = 7 (n=3). Maximal length codes are commonly used PN codes In binary
shift register, the maximum length sequence is 
        N = 2m-1
chips, where m is the number of stages of flip-flops in the shift register.

At each clock pulse
Contents of register shifts one bitright.
Contents of required stages are modulo 2 added and fed back to input. 

Fig: Initial stages of Shift registers 1000 
Let initial status of shift register be 1000 

Properties of PN Sequence 
Randomness of PN sequence is tested byfollowing properties
1. Balance property
2. Run length property
3. Autocorrelation property 
1. Balance property
In each Period of the sequence , number of binary ones differ from binary zeros by
at most one digit.
Consider output of shift register 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
Seven zeros and eight ones -meets balance condition. 
2. Run length property
Among the runs of ones and zeros in each period, it is desirable that about one
half the runs of each type are of length 1, one- fourth are of length 2 and one-eighth
are of length 3 and so-on. 
Consider output of shift register
Number of runs =8
0 0 0         1                     0 0              1 1             0         1         0             1 1 1 1
3             1                          2             2                  1         1       1                
3. Auto correlation property 
Auto correlation function of a maximal length sequence is periodic and binary
valued. Autocorrelation sequence of binary sequence in polar format is given by
Where N is length or the period of the sequence, k is the lag of auto correlation function.
            1 = 1
         = 1 1
Where 1 is any Integer. We can also state the auto correlation function is
{ No. of agreements – No. of disagreements in comparison of one full period } 
Consider output of shift register for l=1 

                = 1/15   *   7 -  8   =  -1/15 
Yields PN autocorrelation as 

Range of PN Sequence Lengths 
Length 0f Shift Register, m                 PN Sequence Length,
7                                                                     127
8                                                                    255
9                                                                    511
10                                                                 1023
11                                                                    2047
12                                                                    4095
13                                                                    8191
17                                                                     131071
19                                                                    524287
Notion of Spread Spectrum:
An important attribute of Spread Spectrum modulation is that it can provide
protection against externally generated interfacing signals with finite power. Protection
against jamming (interfacing) waveforms is provided by purposely making the
information – bearing signal occupy a BW far in excess of the minimum BW necessary
to transmit it. This has the effect of making the transmitted signal a noise like
appearance so as to blend into the background. Therefore Spread Spectrum is a
method of ‘camouflaging’ the information – bearing signal.

 Let { bK} denotes a binary data sequence.
{ cK } denotes a PN sequence.
b(t) and c(t) denotes their NRZ polar representation respectively.
The desired modulation is achieved by applying the data signal b(t) and PN signal
c(t) to a product modulator or multiplier. If the message signal b(t) is narrowband and
the PN sequence signal c(t) is wide band, the product signal m(t) is also wide band. The
PN sequence performs the role of a ‘SpreadingCode”. 
For base band transmission, the product signal m(t) represents the transmitted
signal. Therefore   m(t) = c(t).b(t) 
The received signal r(t) consists of the transmitted signal m(t) plus an additive
interference noise n(t), Hence
r(t) = m(t) + n(t)
= c(t).b(t) + n(t)


 To recover the original message signal b(t), the received signal r(t) is applied to a
demodulator that consists of a multiplier followed by an integrator and a decision device.
The multiplier is supplied with a locally generated PN sequence that is exact replica of
that used in the transmitter. The multiplier output is given by 
Z(t) = r(t).c(t)
= [b(t) * c(t) + n(t)] c(t) = c2 (t).b(t) + c(t).n(t)
The data signal b(t) is multiplied twice by the PN signal c(t), where as unwanted
signal n(t) is multiplied only once. But c2 (t) = 1, hence the above equation reduces to
Z(t) = b(t) + c(t).n(t)
Now the data component b(t) is narrowband, where as the spurious component
c(t)n(t) is wide band. Hence by applying the multiplier output to a base band (low pass)
filter most of the power in the spurious component c(t)n(t) is filtered out. Thus the effect
of the interference n(t) is thus significantly reduced at the receiver output. 
The integration is carried out for the bit interval 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb to provide the sample
value V. Finally, a decision is made by the receiver. 
If V > Threshold Value ‘0’, say binary symbol ‘1’ If V < Threshold Value ‘0’, say
binary symbol ‘0’ 
Direct – Sequence Spread Spectrum with coherent binary Phase shift 


To provide band pass transmission, the base band data sequence is multiplied
by a Carrier by means of shift keying. Normally binary phase shift keying (PSK) is used
because of its advantages. The transmitter first converts the incoming binary data
sequence {bk} into an NRZ waveform b(t), which is followed by two stages of
The first stage consists of a multiplier with data signal b(t) and the PN signal c(t)
as inputs. The output of multiplier is m(t) is a wideband signal. Thus a narrow – band
data sequence is transformed into a noise like wide band signal. 
The second stage consists of a binary Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulator.
Which converts base band signal m(t) into band pass signal x(t). The transmitted signal
x(t) is thus a direct – sequence spread binary PSK signal. The phase modulation θ(t) of
x(t) has one of the two values ‘0’ and ‘π’ (180o ) depending upon the polarity of the
message signal b(t) and PN signal c(t) at time t. 
Polarity of PN & Polarity of PN signal both +, + or - - Phase ‘0’
Polarity of PN & Polarity of PN signal both +, - or - + Phase ‘π’ 

The receiver consists of two stages of demodulation. 
In the first stage the received signal y(t) and a locally generated carrier are
applied to a coherent detector (a product modulator followed by a low pass filter), Which
converts band pass signal into base band signal. 
The second stage of demodulation performs Spectrum despreading by
multiplying the output of low-pass filter by a locally generated replica of the PN signal
c(t), followed by integration over a bit interval Tb and finally a decision device is used to
get binary sequence. 

Fig : Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Example

Fig : Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Using BPSK Example 
Signal Space Dimensionality and Processing Gain 
Fundamental issue in SS systems is how much protection spreading can
provide against interference.
SS technique distribute low dimensional signal into large dimensional signal
space (hide the signal).
Jammer has only one option; to jam the entire space with fixed total power or
to jam portion of signal space with large power. 
Consider set of orthonormal basis functions;
=            2 cos 2 ≤   ≤ + 1
=        2 sin 2 ≤   ≤ + 1
= 0,1… … … … …
Where Tc is chip duration, N is number of chips per bit. 
Transmitted signal x(t) for the interval of an information bit is
= ( ) ( )
= ± 2 c(t)cos 2
= ± ck  φk (t)       0 ≤  ≤
where, Eb is signal energy per bit. 
PN Code sequence { c0, c1, ……cN-1} with ck= + 1, Transmitted signal x(t) is
therefore N dimensional and requires N orthonormal functions to represent it. j(t)
represent interfering signal (jammer). As said jammer tries to places all its available
energy in exactly same N dimension signal space. But jammer has no knowledge
of signal phase. Hence tries to place equal energy in two phase coordinates that is
cosine and sine. As per that jammer can be represented as
=     1      +  -1                    0 ≤   ≤
    =0                =0

=0                                        = 0,1, …?…? 1

= 0                                                      0,1, …?…? −1

Thus j(t) is 2N dimensional, twice the dimension as that of x(t). 
Average interference power of j(t)
=   1 _   2          = 1 _      -1            2 +  1__  -1    2
            0                         =0                               =0

as jammer places equal energy in two phase coordinates , hence
-1                  -1
2        =            2
=0            =0
=2___                2

To evaluate system performance we calculate SNR at input and output of DS/BPSK
receiver. The coherent receiver input is u(t) =s(t) + c(t)j(t) and using this u(t), output at
coherent receiver
u(t) cos 2 = +
Where vs is despread component of BPSK and vcj of spread interference.
= 2
s(t) cos 2
c t j(t) cos 2
Consider despread BPSK signal s(t)
( ) = ±
cos 2 0 ≤? ≤
Where + sign is for symbol 1
- sign for symbol 0.
If carrier frequency is integer multiple of 1 / Tb , we have = ±
Consider spread interference component vcj, here c(t) is considered in sequence form
{ c0, c1, ……cN-1}
With Ck treated as independent identical random variables with both symbols having
equal probabilities
= 1 =
= 1 = 2
Expected value of Random variable vcj is zero, for fixed k we have
And Variance
| = = 1 = 1 =
2 = 0
| =1
2 =
Spread factor N = Tb/Tc
Output signal to noise ratio is
( ) = 2The average signal power at receiver input is Eb/Tb hence input SNR
) =
( )0 =
Expressing SNR in decibels
10 10 ( )0 = 10
10 (
) + 3 + 10 10 ,
3db term on right side accounts for gain in SNR due to coherent detection. Last term
accounts for gain in SNR by use of spread spectrum. PG is called Processing Gain. 

1. Bit rate of binary data entering the transmitter input is = 1_
2. The bandwidth of PN sequence c(t) , of main lobe is Wc = 1_

Probability of error

To calculate probability of error, we consider output component v of coherent
detector as sample value of random variable
= ±         
Eb is signal energy per bit and Vcj is noise component
Decision rule is, if detector output exceeds a threshold of zero volts; received bit is
symbol 1 else decision is favored for zero.
Average probability of error Pe is nothing but conditional probability which
depends on random variable Vcj.
As a result receiver makes decision in favor of symbol 1 when symbol 0
transmitted and vice versa
Random variable Vcj is sum of N such random variables. Hence for
Large N it can assume Gaussian distribution.
  As mean and variance has already been discussed , zero mean and variance
Probability of error can be calculated from simple formula for DS/BPSK system
 ≅    1/2  __
Antijam Characteristics
Consider error probability of BPSK

Comparing both probabilities;

Since bit energy Eb =PTb , P= average signal power.
We can express bit energy to noise density ratio as
The ratio J/P is termed jamming margin. Jamming Margin is expressed in decibels as
Where    ~0 is minimum bit energy to noise ration needed to support a prescribed
average probability of error. 
A pseudo random sequence is generated using a feed back shift register of
length m=4. The chip rate is 107 chips per second. Find the following
a) PN sequence length b) Chip duration of PN sequence c) PN sequence
a) Length of PN sequence N = 2^m-1= 2^4-1 =15
b) Chip duration Tc = 1/chip rate =1/107 = 0.1µsec
c) PN sequence period T = NTc
= 15 x 0.1µ sec = 1.5µ sec 
A direct sequence spread binary phase shift keying system uses a feedback
shift register of length 19 for the generation of PN sequence. Calculate the
processing gain of the system. 
Given length of shift register = m =19
Therefore length of PN sequence N = 2^m - 1
= 2^19 - 1
Processing gain PG = Tb/Tc =N in db =10log10N = 10 log10 (2 ^19) = 57db
A Spread spectrum communication system has the following parameters.
Information bit duration Tb = 1.024 msecs and PN chip duration of 1µsecs. The
average probability of error of system is not to exceed 10-5 . calculate a) Length of
shift register b) Processing gain c) jamming margin 
Processing gain PG =N= Tb/Tc =1024
corresponding length of shift register m = 10
In case of coherent BPSK For Probability of error 10-5. [Referring to error function table]
Eb/N0 =10.8
Therefore jamming margin
10 10
= 10 10 10
= 10 101024 10 1010.8
= 30.10 10.33 = 19.
Frequency – Hop Spread Spectrum: 
In a frequency – hop Spread – Spectrum technique, the spectrum of data
modulated carrier is widened by changing the carrier frequency in a pseudo – random
manner. The type of spread – spectrum in which the carrier hops randomly form one
frequency to another is called Frequency – Hop (FH) Spread Spectrum. 
Since frequency hopping does not covers the entire spread spectrum
instantaneously. We are led to consider the rate at which the hop occurs. Depending
upon this we have two types of frequency hop. 
1. Slow frequency hopping:- In which the symbol rate Rs of the MFSK signal is an
integer multiple of the hop rate Rh. That is several symbols are transmitted on
each frequency hop.
2. Fast – Frequency hopping:- In which the hop rate Rh is an integral multiple of the
MFSK symbol rate Rs. That is the carrier frequency will hoop several times
during the transmission of one symbol. A common modulation format for
frequency hopping system is that of M- ary frequency – shift – keying (MFSK).
Slow frequency hopping:-
Fig Shows the block diagram of an FH / MFSK transmitter, which involves
frequency modulation followed by mixing. 
The incoming binary data are applied to an M-ary FSK modulator. The resulting
modulated wave and the output from a digital frequency synthesizer are then applied to
a mixer that consists of a multiplier followed by a band – pass filter. The filter is
designed to select the sum frequency component resulting from the multiplication
process as the transmitted signal. An ‘k’ bit segments of a PN sequence drive
the frequency synthesizer, which enables the carrier frequency to hop over 2 ^n
distinct values. Since frequency synthesizers are unable to maintain phase
coherence over successive hops, most frequency hops spread spectrum
communication system use non coherent M-ary modulation system. 

Fig :- Frequency hop spread transmitter

 Fig :- Frequency hop spread receiver 
In the receiver the frequency hopping is first removed by mixing the received
signal with the output of a local frequency synthesizer that is synchronized with the
transmitter. The resulting output is then band pass filtered and subsequently processed
by a non coherent M-ary FSK demodulator. To implement this M-ary detector, a bank of
M non coherent matched filters, each of which is matched to one of the MFSK tones is
used. By selecting the largest filtered output, the original transmitted signal is estimated.
An individual FH / MFSK tone of shortest duration is referred as a chip. The chip
rate Rc for an FH / MFSK system is defined by 
Rc = Max(Rh,Rs)
Where Rh is the hop rate and Rs is Symbol Rate 
In a slow rate frequency hopping multiple symbols are transmitted per hop.
Hence each symbol of a slow FH / MFSK signal is a chip. The bit rate Rb of the
incoming binary data. The symbol rate Rs of the MFSK signal, the chip rate Rc and the
hop rate Rn are related by
Rc = Rs = Rb /k ≥ Rh
where k= log2M 
Fast frequency hopping:-
A fast FH / MFSK system differs from a slow FH / MFSK system in that
there are multiple hops per m-ary symbol. Hence in a fast FH / MFSK system each hop
is a chip. 
Fast Frequency Hopping                                         Slow Frequency Hopping
Several frequency hops Per modulation         Several modulation symbols per hop
Shortest uninterrupted waveform                    Shortest uninterrupted waveformin    
in the system is that of hop                                 the system is that of data symbol

Chip duration =hop duration                                 Chip duration=bit duration.

The following figure illustrates the variation of the frequency of a slow FH/MFSK
signal with time for one complete period of the PN sequence. The period of the PN
sequence is 24-1 = 15. 
The FH/MFSK signal has the following parameters:
Number of bits per MFSK symbol K = 2. Number of MFSK tones M = 2 ^K = 4
Length of PN segment per hop k = 3; Total number of frequency hops 2 ^k = 8 

Fig. Slow frequency hopping 
The following figure illustrates the variation of the transmitted frequency of a fast
FH/MFSK signal with time.
The signal has the following parameters:
Number of bits per MFSK symbol K = 2. Number of MFSK tones M = 2 K = 4
Length of PN segment per hop k = 3; Total number of frequency hops
2 k = 8 

Fig. Fast frequency hopping 
FHSS Performance Considerations:
Typically large number of frequencies used
Improved resistance to jamming 
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA):
Multiplexing Technique used with spread spectrum
Start with data signal rate D
Called bit data rate
Break each bit into k chips according to fixed pattern specific to each user
User’s code
New channel has chip data rate kD chips per second
E.g. k=6, three users (A,B,C) communicating with base receiver R
Code for A = <1,-1,-1,1,-1,1>
Code for B = <1,1,-1,-1,1,1>
Code for C = <1,1,-1,1,1,-1> 
CDMA Example:

  Consider A communicating with base
Base knows A’s code
Assume communication already synchronized
A wants to send a 1
Send chip pattern <1,-1,-1,1,-1,1>
A’s code
A wants to send 0
Send chip[ pattern <-1,1,1,-1,1,-1>
Complement of A’s code
Decoder ignores other sources when using A’s code to decode
Orthogonal codes
n users each using different orthogonal PN sequence
Modulate each users data stream
Using BPSK
  Multiply by spreading code of user 
CDMA in a DSSS Environment: 

Part A 
1. Define constraint length in convolutional codes?
2. What is pseudo noise sequence?
3. What is direct sequence spread spectrum modulation
4. What is frequency hap spread spectrum modulation?
5. What is processing gain?
6. What is jamming margin ?
7. When is the PN sequence called as maximal length sequence?
8. What is meant by processing gain of DS spread spectrum system?
9. What is the period of the maximal length sequence generated using 3 bit shift
10. Define frequency hopping.
11. What are the Advantages of DS-SS system
12. What are the Disadvantages of DS-SS system.
13. What are the Advantages of FH-SS System
14. What are the Disadvantages of FH-SS System15. Define synchronization in Spread Spectrum Systems
16. Comparison between DS-SS and FH-SS
17. What are the Application of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
18. State the balance property of random binary sequence.
19. Mention about the run property.
20. What is called jamming effect.
21. What is Anti jamming ?
22. What is slow and fast frequency hopping.
23. What is called multipath Interference? 
1. What is Spread Spectrum Techniques Explain in detail about Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum Techniques with necessary diagrams?
i. Concept of Spread Spectrum Techniques
ii. Block Diagram Representation.
iii.Waveform at all stages of the system.
iv. Derivation of processing Gain. 
2. What is Frequency Hopping? Explain the different types of frequency hopping
with necessary diagrams.
i. Concept of frequency hopping.
ii. Explanation of slow frequency hopping
iii.Explanation of Fast frequency hopping
iv. Block Diagrams and waveform
Explain various Multiplexing Techniques.
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
It is one of the most common multiplexing procedures. FDMA is a channel access technique
found in multiple-access protocols as a channelization protocol.
FDMA permits individual allocation of single or multiple frequency bands, or channels to the
Figure 12: Frequency Division Multiple Access
FDMA permits multiple users to simultaneously access a transmission system.
In FDMA, every user shares the frequency channel or satellite transpondersimultaneously;
however, every user transmits at single frequency 
FDMA is compatible with both digital and analog signals.
FDMA demands highly efficient filters in the radio hardware, contrary to CDMA and TDMA.
FDMA is devoid of timing issues that exist in TDMA.
As a result of the frequency filtering, FDMA is not prone to the near-far problem that exists in
All users transmit and receive at different frequencies because every user receives an individual
frequency slot.
One disadvantage of FDMA is crosstalk, which can cause interference between frequencies and
interrupt the transmission. 
Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA)
SDMA utilizes the spatial separation of the users in order to optimize the use of the frequency
A primitive form of SDMA is when the same frequency is reused in different cells in a cellular
wireless network.
The radiated power of each user is controlled by Space division multiple access.
SDMA serves different users by using spot beam antenna. These areas may be served by the
same frequency or different frequencies.
However for limited co-channel interference it is required that the cells are sufficiently
separated. This limits the number of cells a region can be divided into and hence limits the
frequency re-use factor. A more advanced approach can further increase the capacity of the
network. This technique would enable frequency re-use within the cell. In a practical cellular
environment it is improbable to have just one transmitter fall within the receiver beam width.
Therefore it becomes imperative to use other multiple access techniques in conjunction with
Figure 1: Space Division Multiple Access
 When different areas are covered by the antenna beam, frequency can be re-used, in which
case TDMA or CDMA is employed, for different frequencies FDMA can be used.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
It is a multiplexing technique where multiple channels are multiplexed over time.
In TDMA, several users share the same frequency channel of higher bandwidth by dividing the
signal into different timeslots.
Users transmit their data using their own respective time slots in rapid succession; to
synchronize, the transmitter and the receiver need to synchronize using a global clock.
It is divided into two types:-
Fixed TDMA
In this, connections between time slots in each frame and data streams assigned to a user
remain static and switched only when large variations in traffic are required.
In this variant, the slot sizes are fixed atT/N (T is time in seconds and N is the number of users).
Dynamic TDMA
Figure 2: Time Division Multiple Access
In this, a scheduling algorithm is used to dynamically reserve a variable number of time slots in
each frame to variable bit-rate data streams.
This reservation algorithm is based on the traffic demand of each data stream.
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Short for Code-Division Multiple Access, a digital cellular technology that uses spread-spectrum
techniques. It is a broadband system.
CDMA uses spread spectrum technique where each subscriber uses the whole system
bandwidth.Figure 3: Code Division Multiple Access
Unlike competing systems, such as GSM, that use TDMA, CDMA does not assign a specific
frequency to eachuser.
Instead, every channel uses the full available spectrum. Individual conversations are encoded
with a pseudo-random digital sequence.
CDMA consistently provides better capacity for voice and data communications than other
commercialmobiletechnologies,allowing moresubscriberstoconnectatanygiventime,andit
is the common platform on which 3G technologies are built.
For example, CDMA is a military technology first used during World War II by English allies to
foil German attempts at jamming transmissions.
Unlike the FDMA or TDMA where a frequency or time slot is assigned exclusively to a
subscriber,inCDMAall subscribers ina celluse thesamefrequencyband simultaneously.
To separate the signals, each subscriber is assigned an orthogonal code called “chip”.
4. Define various mobile computing functions.
The mobile computing functions can be divided into the following major segments:-
User with Device
This means that this could be a fixed device like a desktop computer in an office or a portable
device like mobile phone. Example: Laptop computers, desktop computers, fixed telephone,mobile phones, digital TV with set-top box, palmtop computers, pocket PCs, two-way pagers,
handheld terminals, etc.
Figure 16: Mobile Computing Functions
Whenever a user is using a mobile, he will use different networks at different locations at
different times. Example: GSM, CDMA, iMode, Ethernet,Wireless LAN,Bluetooth, etc.
This acts as an interface between different transports bearers. These gateways convert one
specific transport bearer toanother.
Example, from a fixed phone we access a service by pressing different keys on the telephone.
These key generates DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency).
These analog signals are converted into digital data by the IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
gateway to interface with a computer application.
This is more of a function rather than a separate visible node. In the present context,
middleware handles the presentation and rendering of the content on a particular device.
It may optionally also handle the security and personalization for different users.
This is the domain where the origin server and content is. This could be an application, system,
or even an aggregation of systems.
The content can be mass market, personal or corporate content. The origin server will have
some means of accessing the database and storage devices.
Explain design consideration for mobile computing.
Mobile computing is basically the use of portable devices that are capable of use wireless
network communication.
It is divided into mobile devices and wireless communication.
For designing mobile applications have altogether different challenges than designing desktop
application. It requires different mind-set. 
On mobile platform everything is limited to make balance between design principles and
resources at hand such changes shall mean that content and behavior of applications should be
adapted to suit the current situation.
Few of design consideration parameter for mobile computing: 
Native vs. Mobile Web
If your application requires local processing, access to local resources and can work in
occasionally connected scenario or no connectivity consider designing a native application.
A native application is hard to maintain, requires separate distribution and upgrade
infrastructure, are compatible only with target device/platform, requires more effort
(sometimes huge) to port on different devices.
A mobile web application is compatible with all devices with internet connection and a browser. 
Target device
Target device and platform (OS) play a key role throughout design decisionsmaking process.
Design decisions are influenced by target device’s screen size, resolution, orientations, memory,
CPU performance characteristics, Operating systems capabilities, OEM (device vendor) specific
OS changes/limitations, device hardware, user input mechanism (touch/non-touch), sensors
(such as GPS or accelerometer) etc. 
User experience
User experience, for mobile applications, needs utmost importance (may be more than
User interface should be rich, intuitive and responsive. While using mobile application user is
often distracted by external or internal (e.g. incoming call when user is in middle of a wizard)
Resource Constraint
In design decision should take into account the limited CPU, memory and battery life.
Reading and writing to memory, wireless connections, specialized hardware, and processor
speed all have an impact on the overall power usage.
For example using notification or app directedSMSinstead of polling to monitor a value/flag on
Multiple Platform
  An application will target not only one platform or only one device.
In near future, requirement like same code base should support iPhone and iPad or Android
Phone and Android tablet will arise.
Design Architect should consider portability, technology agnostic with platform specific
implementation. To make design with reuse across the platforms.
Devices are more vulnerable than desktop, primarily due to lack of awareness.
It may device can be lost easily. It needs to secureddevice – server communication and server
accepts request only from authentic source (device).
If you are storing any confidential application or configuration data locally, ensure that the data
is encrypted.
Network Communication
Network communication on device is very significant parameter.
To reduce network traffic by combining several commands in one request.
For example, committing added, updated and deleted records in one request instead of firing
separate request on each add/update/delete.
Explain the differences between 1G, 2G, 2.5G and 3G mobile
It is the first generation cellular network that existed in 1990’s.
It transfer data in analog wave, it has limitation because there are no encryption, the sound
quality is poor and the speed of transfer is only 9.6 kbps.
It is the second generation, improved by introducing the concept of digital modulation, which
means converting the voice into digital code and then into analog signals.
Being over limitation 1G, such as it omits the radio power from handsets making life healthier,
and it has enhancedprivacy.
It is a transition of 2G and 3G.
In 2.5G, the most popular services like SMS, GPRS, EDGE, high speed circuit switched data and
more had beenintroduced.
It is the current generation of mobile telecommunication standards.
It allows use of speech and data services and offers data rates up to 2 mbps, which provide
services like video calls, mobile TV, mobile internet and downloading.
There are bunch of technologies that fall 3G, likeWCDMA, EV-DO, and HSPA etc.
It is the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards. It is a successor to the 3G and 2G
families of standards.
In 2008, the ITU-R organization specifies the IMT Advanced (International Mobile
Telecommunication Advanced) requirements for 4G standards, setting peak speed requirements for 4G service at 100 Mbit/s for high mobility communication and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility communication. 
4G system
It is expected to provide a comprehensive and secure all-IP based mobile broadband solution to
laptop computer wireless modems, smart phones, and other mobile devices.
Gen.             Definition      Throughput/Speed      Technology             Features
1G                 Analog                14.4 Kbps\                AMPS,NMT,      During 1G Wireless phones are
(1970 to                                         (peak)                     TACS             used for voiceonly.

2G               Digital                   9.6/14.4             TDMA,CDMA   2G capabilities are achieved by
(1990 to     Narrow band           Kbps                                     allowing multiple users on a single
2000)         circuit data                                                                 channel via multiplexing

                                                                                           During 2G Cellular phones are used 
                                                                                        for data also along with voice.


2.5G         Packet Data        171.2                     GPRS       In 2.5G the internet becomes popular and
(2001 to                              Kbps(peak)                                data becomes more relevant.2.5G Multimedia
2004)                                  20-40 Kbps                   services and streaming starts to show growth

                                                                                Phones start supporting web
                                                                                browsing through limited and very
                                                                               few phones have that.


3G                 Digital                 3.1 Mbps         CDMA 20    3G has Multimedia services support
(2004 to         Broadband         (peak)                     (1xRTT,    along with streaming are more
2005)             Packet Data        500-700 Kbps         EVDO)    popular.In 3G, Universal access and
                                                                                            UMTS, EDGE     portability across different device
                                                                                                                          types are made possible.
                                                                                                                          (Telephones, PDA’s, etc.)

3.5G             Packet Data         14.4 Mbps    HSPA                3.5G supports higher throughput
(2006 to                                   (peak)                              and speeds to support higher data
2010)                                       1-3 Mbps                          needs of the consumers

4G                 Digital         100-300            WiMax   Speeds for 4G are further increased
(Now              Broadband   Mbps (peak)     LTE          to keep up with data access
(Read             Packet       3-5 Mbps         Wi-Fi         demand used by various services.
more on        All IP          100 Mbps                         High definition streaming is now
Transition        Very high     (Wi-Fi)                            supported in 4G. New phones with
ingto4G)         throughput                                         HD capabilities surface. It gets pretty cool.

                                                                                In 4G, Portability is increased
                                                                                further. World-wide roaming is not
                                                                                 a distant dream. 
                                                                                 Facilities such as ultra-broadband Internet                                                                                 access, IP telephony, gaming services and
                                                                          streamed multimedia may be provided to users. 
This technology such asmobileWiMax and Long term evolution (LTE) has been on
the market since 2006 and 2009 respectively, and are often branded as 4G.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****************************************************





















                                GSM Architecture 

The GSM network comprises of many functional units, this function and interface are explained in this
part. The GSM network can be broadly divided into
1. Mobile Station (MS)
2. the Base Station Subsystem (BSS)
3. The network switching Subsystem(NSS)
4. Operation Support subsystem(OSS)
Mobile Station (MS)
the MS consist of Physical Equipment such as the Radio transiver, display, digital signal
processor and SIM Card . The MS Also provides access to the various data services avaliable in
GSM network. These data services include:
1. X.25 packet switching through a synchronous or Asynchronous dialog connection to the
PAD(Portable access device) at speed tipically at 9.6 kbps.
2. General Packet Radio Service(GPRS) using IP based data transfer method at the speed upto 115
3. High Speed Circuit Switch Data at speed upto 64kbps
Base Station SubSystem (BSS)
The BSS is composed of two parts
1. The base transiver station (BTS)
2. Base station Controller (BSC)
the BTS houses the radio transivers that defines a cell and handles the radio link protocol with the MS.
Each BTS serves as a single cell.
It also includes the following functinos
1. Encoding, Encrypting, Multiplexing, Modulating and Feeding the RF signal to the antina.
2. Transcoding and Data Adoptation
3. Time and Frequency Synchronizing4. Decoding, Decryption, Equilizing Recived Signal, Uplink Channel Messurement 
The BSC manages the radio resource for one or more BTS. It handle radio channel setup, Frquency
Hopping and handover. The BSC is the connection between the mobile and MSC. The Additional
Functions include:
1. Control of frequency Hopping
2. Performing traffic concentration to reduce the number of lines from the MSC
3. Providing an Interface to an operations and maintenance center for the BSS
4. Power Management
5. Time and Frequency Synchronization


                    CDMA TDMA FDMA












                   Spread Spectrum 

Introduction to Spread Spectrum

Spread Spectrum Criteria


Spread Spectrum Background

Why Spread Spectrum?

How Spread Spectrum Works

Spreading Codes

PN Sequences

Spread Spectrum Classification

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Example

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum:
Transmission Technique

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum





A satellite is an object that revolves around another object. For example, earth is a
satellite of The Sun, and moon is a satellite of earth. 
A communication satellite is a microwave repeater station in a space that is used for
telecommunication, radio and television signals. A communication satellite processes the data
coming from one earth station and it converts the data into another form and send it to the
second earth station. 
Two stations on earth want to communicate through radio broadcast but are too far away
to use conventional means. The two stations can use a relay station for their communication. 
One earth station transmits the signal to the satellite. 
Uplink frequency is the frequency at which ground station is communicating with
satellite. The satellite transponder converts the signal and sends it down to the second earthstation, and this is called Downlink frequency. The second earth station also communicates with the
first one in the same way. 
The advantages of Satellite Communications are as follows −
The Coverage area is very high than that of terrestrial systems.
The transmission cost is independent of the coverage area.
Higher bandwidths are possible. 
The disadvantages of Satellite Communications are as follows −
Launching satellites into orbits is a costly process.
The bandwidths are gradually used up.
High propagation delay for satellite systems than the conventional terrestrial systems. 
The process of satellite communication begins at an earth station. Here an installation is
designed to transmit and receive signals from a satellite in orbit around the earth. Earth stations
send information to satellites in the form of high powered, high frequency (GHz range) signals.
The satellites receive and retransmit the signals back to earth where they are received
by other earth stations in the coverage area of the satellite. Satellite's footprint is the area
which receives a signal of useful strength from the satellite.
The transmission system from the earth station to the satellite through a channel is called
the uplink. The system from the satellite to the earth station through the channel is called
the downlink.
The satellite frequency bands which are commonly used for communication are
the Cband, Ku-band, and Ka-band. C-band and Ku-band are the commonly used frequency
spectrums by today's satellites.
It is important to note that there is an inverse relationship between frequency and
wavelength i.e. when frequency increases, wavelength decreases this helps to understand therelationship between antenna diameter and transmission frequency. Larger antennas
(satellite dishes) are necessary to gather the signal with increasing wavelength.
A satellite when launched into space, needs to be placed in certain orbit to provide a
particular way for its revolution, so as to maintain accessibility and serve its purpose whether
scientific, military or commercial. Such orbits which are assigned to satellites, with respect to
earth are called as Earth Orbits. The satellites in these orbits are Earth Orbit Satellites.
The important kinds of Earth Orbits are −
Geo-synchronous Earth Orbit
Geo-stationary Earth Orbit
Medium Earth Orbit
Low Earth Orbit 
Geo-synchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) Satellites
A Geo-synchronous Earth orbit Satellite is one which is placed at an altitude of 22,300
miles above the Earth. This orbit is synchronized with a side real day (i.e., 23hours 56minutes).
This orbit can have inclination and eccentricity. It may not be circular. This orbit can be tilted
at the poles of the earth. But it appears stationary when observed from the Earth.
The same geo-synchronous orbit, if it is circular and in the plane of equator, it is called
as geo-stationary orbit. These Satellites are placed at 35,900kms (same as geosynchronous)
above the Earth’s Equator and they keep on rotating with respect to earth’s direction (west to
east). These satellites are considered stationary with respect to earth and hence the name
Geo-Stationary Earth Orbit Satellites are used for weather forecasting, satellite TV,
satellite radio and other types of global communications.FIGURE -GEO-SYNCHRONOUS

The above figure shows the difference between Geo-synchronous and Geo- Stationary
orbits. The Axis of rotation indicates the movement of Earth.
The main point to note here is that every Geo-Stationary orbit is a Geo-Synchronous
orbit. But every Geo-Synchronous orbit is NOT a Geo-stationary orbit.
Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) Satellites 
Medium earth orbit (MEO) satellite networks will orbit at distances of about 8000 miles
from earth's surface. Signals transmitted from a MEO satellite travel a shorter distance. This
translates to improved signal strength at the receiving end. This shows that smaller, more
lightweight receiving terminals can be used at the receiving end.
Since the signal is travelling a shorter distance to and from the satellite, there is less
transmission delay. Transmission delay can be defined as the time it takes for a signal to travel
up to a satellite and back down to a receiving station.
For real-time communications, the shorter the transmission delay, the better will be the
communication system. As an example, if a GEO satellite requires 0.25 seconds for a round
trip, then MEO satellite requires less than 0.1 seconds to complete the same trip. MEOs
operates in the frequency range of 2 GHz and above.Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites
The LEO satellites are mainly classified into three categories namely, little LEOs, big
LEOs, and Mega-LEOs. LEOs will orbit at a distance of 500 to 1000 miles above the earth's
This relatively short distance reduces transmission delay to only 0.05 seconds. This
further reduces the need for sensitive and bulky receiving equipment. Little LEOs will operate
in the 800 MHz (0.8 GHz) range. Big LEOs will operate in the 2 GHz or above range, and
Mega-LEOs operates in the 20-30 GHz range.
The higher frequencies associated with Mega-LEOs translates into more information
carrying capacity and yields to the capability of real-time, low delay video transmission scheme.
High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Platforms
Experimental HALE platforms are basically highly efficient and lightweight airplanes
carrying communications equipment. This will act as very low earth orbit geosynchronous
These crafts will be powered by a combination of battery and solar power or high
efficiency turbine engines. HALE platforms will offer transmission delays of less than 0.001
seconds at an altitude of only 70,000 feet, and even better signal strength for very lightweight
hand-held receiving devices.
Orbital Slots
Here there may arise a question that with more than 200 satellites up there in
geosynchronous orbit, how do we keep them from running into each other or from attempting to
use the same location in space? To answer this problem, international regulatory bodies like the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and national government organizations like the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designate the locations on the geosynchronous
orbit where the communications satellites can be located.
These locations are specified in degrees of longitude and are called as orbital slots. The
FCC and ITU have progressively reduced the required spacing down to only 2 degrees for C
band and Ku-band satellites due to the huge demand for orbital slots.

                                 WIRELESS NETWORKS


Presentation Outline
• Wireless Technology overview
• The IEEE 802.11 WLAN Standards
• Secure Wireless LANs
• Migrating to Wireless LANs (Cutting the cord)
• A wireless LAN or WLAN is a wireless local area network that uses radio waves as its carrier.
• The last link with the users is wireless, to give a network connection to all users in a building or campus.
• The backbone network usually uses cables
 Common Topologies
The wireless LAN connects to a wired LAN 
• There is a need of an access point that bridges wireless LAN traffic into the
wired LAN.
• The access point (AP) can also act as a repeater for wireless nodes,
effectively doubling the maximum possible distance between nodes.

 Common Topologies 
Complete Wireless Networks
• The physical size of the network is determined by the maximum reliable propagation range of the radio signals.
• Referred to as ad hoc networks
• Are self-organizing networks without any centralized control
• Suited for temporary situations such as meetings and conferences. 
How do wireless LANs work?
Wireless LANs operate in almost the same way as wired LANs, using the same networking protocols and supporting the most of the same applications.  
How are WLANs Different?
• They use specialized physical and data link protocols
• They integrate into existing networks through access points which provide a bridging function
• They let you stay connected as you roam from one coverage area to another
• They have unique security considerations
• They have specific interoperability requirements
• They require different hardware
• They offer performance that differs from wired LANs. 
Physical and Data Link Layers
Physical Layer:
• The wireless NIC takes frames of data from the link layer, scrambles the data in a
predetermined way, then uses the modified data stream to modulate a radio carrier
Data Link Layer:
• Uses Carriers-Sense-Multiple-Access with
Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA).
 Integration With Existing Networks 
•  Wireless Access Points (APs) - a small device that bridges wireless traffic to your network.
• Most access points bridge wireless LANs into Ethernet networks, but Token-Ring options are available as well.

• Users maintain a continuous connection as they roam from one physical area to another
• Mobile nodes automatically register with the new access point.
•Methods: DHCP, Mobile IP 
• IEEE 802.11 standard does not address roaming, you may need to purchase equipment from one vendor if your users need to roam from one access point to another. 

• In theory, spread spectrum radio signals are inherently difficult to decipher without knowing the exact hopping sequences or direct sequence codes used
• The IEEE 802.11 standard specifies optional security called "Wired Equivalent Privacy"
whose goal is that a wireless LAN offer privacy equivalent to that offered by a wired LAN. The standard also specifies optional authentication measures. 
• Before the IEEE 802.11 interoperability was based on cooperation between vendors.
• IEEE 802.11 only standardizes the physical and medium access control layers.
• Vendors must still work with each other to ensure their IEEE 802.11 implementations interoperate
• Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) introduces the Wi-Fi Certification to ensure cross vendor interoperability of 802.11b solutions 
• PC Card, either with integral antenna or with external antenna/RF module.
• ISA Card with external antenna connected by cable.
• Handheld terminals
• Access points

802.11a offers speeds with a theoretically maximum rate of 54Mbps in the 5 GHz band
802.11b offers speeds with a theoretically maximum rate of 11Mbps at in the 2.4 GHz
spectrum band
802.11g is a new standard for data rates of up to a theoretical maximum of 54 Mbps at 2.4 GHz.
 What is 802.11?
• A family of wireless LAN (WLAN) specifications developed by a working group at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
• Defines standard for WLANs using the following four technologies
• Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
• Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
• Infrared (IR)
• Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
• Versions: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11e, 802.11f, 802.11i
 802.11 - Transmission
• Most wireless LAN products operate in unlicensed radio bands
• 2.4 GHz is most popular
• Available in most parts of the world
• No need for user licensing
• Most wireless LANs use spread-spectrum radio
• Resistant to interference, secure
• Two popular methods
• Frequency Hopping (FH)
• Direct Sequence (DS)
 Frequency Hopping Vs. Direct Sequence
• FH systems use a radio carrier that “hops” from frequency to frequency in a pattern known to both transmitter and receiver 
• Easy to implement
• Resistance to noise
• Limited throughput (2-3 Mbps @ 2.4 GHz)
• DS systems use a carrier that remains fixed to a specific frequency band. The data signal is spread onto a much larger range of frequencies (at a much lower power level) using a
specific encoding scheme.
• Much higher throughput than FH (11 Mbps)
• Better range
• Less resistant to noise (made up for by redundancy – it transmits at
least 10 fully redundant copies of the original signal at the same time)
• Employs Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
• Offers higher bandwidth than that of 802.11b, DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
• 802.11a MAC (Media Access Control) is same as802.11b
• Operates in the 5 GHz range
 802.11a Advantages
• Ultra-high spectrum efficiency
• 5 GHz band is 300 MHz (vs. 83.5 MHz @ 2.4 GHz)
• More data can travel over a smaller amount of bandwidth
• High speed
• Up to 54 Mbps
•  Less interference
• Fewer products using the frequency
• 2.4 GHz band shared by cordless phones, microwave ovens, Bluetooth, and WLANs 
802.11a Disadvantages
•Standards and Interoperability
• Standard not accepted worldwide
• No interoperability certification available for 802.11a products
• Not compatible or interoperable with 802.11b
• Legal issues
• License-free spectrum in 5 GHz band not available worldwide
•  Market
• Beyond LAN-LAN bridging, there is limited interest for5 GHz adoption 
802.11a Disadvantages
• Cost
• 2.4 GHz will still has >40% cost advantage
• Range
• At equivalent power, 5 GHz range will be ~50% of 2.4 GHz
• Power consumption
• Higher data rates and increased signal require more power
• OFDM is less power-efficient then DSSS 
802.11a Applications
• Building-to-building connections
• Video, audio conferencing/streaming video,and audio
• Large file transfers, such as engineeringCAD drawings 
• Faster Web acess and browsing
• High worker density or high throughput scenarios
• Numerous PCs running graphics-intensive applications 
802.11a Vs. 802.11b 
802.11a vs.                   802.11a                      802.11b

Raw data rates         Up to 54 Mbps                      Up to 11 Mbps
                               (54, 48, 36, 24,18, 12            (11, 5.5, 2, and       
                               and 6 Mbps)                        1 Mbps)

Range                    50 Meters                            100 Meters
Bandwidth                 UNII and ISM                    ISM (2.4000—
                                (5 GHz range)                2.4835 GHz range)
Modulation               OFDM technology              DSSS technology                                

• 802.11g is a high-speed extension to 802.11b
• Compatible with 802.11b
• High speed up to 54 Mbps
• 2.4 GHz (vs. 802.11a, 5 GHz)
• Using ODFM for backward compatibility
• Adaptive Rate Shifting
 802.11g Advantages
• Provides higher speeds and higher capacity requirements for applications
• Wireless Public Access
• Compatible with existing 802.11b standard
• Leverages Worldwide spectrum availability in 2.4 GHz
• Likely to be less costly than 5 GHz alternatives
• Provides easy migration for current users of 802.11b WLANs 
• Delivers backward support for existing 802.11b products
• Provides path to even higher speeds in the future 
802.11e Introduces Quality of Service
• Also know as P802.11 TGe
• Purpose:
    • To enhance the 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) to improve and manage Quality of Service (QoS)
• Cannot be supported in current chip design
• Requires new radio chips
• Can do basic QoS in MAC layer 
802.11f – Inter Access Point Protocol
• Also know as P802.11 TGf
• Purpose:
• To develop a set of requirements for Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP), including operational and management aspects 
802.11b Security Features
• Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) – A protocol to protect link-level data during wireless transmission between clients and access points.
• Services:
Authentication: provides access control to the network bydenying access to client stations that fail to authenticate properly.
Confidentiality: intends to prevent information compromise from casual eavesdropping
Integrity: prevents messages from being modified while in
transit between the wireless client and the access point. 
• Based on cryptography
• Non-cryptographic
• Both are identity-based verification mechanisms (devices request access based on the SSID –Service Set Identifier of the wireless network). 
• Authentication techniques 

• Cryptographic techniques
• WEP Uses RC4 symmetric key, stream cipher  algorithm to generate a pseudo random data sequence. The stream is XORed with the data to be transmitted
• Key sizes: 40bits to 128bits
• Unfortunately, recent attacks have shown that the WEP approach for privacy is vulnerable to certain attack regardless of key size 
Data Integrity
• Data integrity is ensured by a simple encrypted version of CRC (Cyclic Redundant Check)
• Also vulnerable to some attacks 
WLAN Migration – Cutting The Cord
• Essential Questions
• Choosing the Right Technology
• Data Rates
• Access Point Placement and Power
• Antenna Selection and Placement
• COnnecting to the Wired LAN
• The Site Survey 
Essential Questions
• Why is the organization considering wireless?
Allows to clearly define requirements of the WLAN -> development plan
• How many users require mobility?
• What are the applications that will run over the WLAN? Helps to determine bandwidth
requirements, a criteria to choose between available technologies. Wireless is a shared
medium, not switched!!! 
Choose the right technology
• Usually IEEE 802.11b or 802.11a
• 802.11b offers interoperability (WECA Wi-Fi Certification Program)
• 802.11a offers higher data rates (up to 54 mbps) -> higher throughput per user. Limite 
Data rates 
• Data rates affect range
• 802.11b 1 to 11 Mbps in 4 increments
• 802.11a 6 to 54 Mbps in 7 increments
• The minimum data rate must be determined at design time
• Selecting only the highest data rate will require a greater number of APs to cover a specific area
• Compromise between data rates and overall system cost 
Access Point Placement and Power
• Typically – mounted at ceiling height.
• Between 15 and 25 feet (4.5m to 8m)
• The greater the height, the greater the difficulty to get power to the unit. Solution:
consider devices that can be powered using CAT5 Ethernet cable (CISCO Aironet 1200
• Access points have internal or external antennas 
Antenna Selection and Placement
• Permanently attached.
• Remote antennas connected using an antenna cable.
•Coax cable used for RF has a high signal loss, should  not be mounted more than a 1 or 2 meters away from the device.
• Placement: consider building construction, ceiling height, obstacles, and aesthetics. Different materials (cement, steel) have different radio propagation characteristics.
Connecting to the Wired LAN
• Consider user mobility
• If users move between subnets, there are challenges to consider.
• OSes like Windows XP and 2000, Linux support DHCP to obtain the new IP address for the subnet. Certain applications such as VPN will fail.
 • Solution: access points in a roaming area areon the same segment. 


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